D. Wallace
Positivity Post
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2017


Do We Really Care?

I care about people, animals and nature…really, I do! The “I care” statement isn’t always cut-and-dried. We can ‘care,’ but sometimes, only about particular issues and people that matter to us. Unfortunately, there are many folk who set strict limitations on their level of compassion.

Lets take for example the statement “I care about the environment.” How many people say these very words, just as they’re tossing a Styrofoam container into the regular trash? So you care, just not enough to recycle the very pollutants that do the most damage to the environment? Or how about when someone says “I care about all animals…well, not about snakes, rats, mice and bats…on yeah, and I also don’t like Pigeons, cuz’ they’re just pests.”

So we can ‘care,’ but still set limitations on the effort we’re willing to put forth to actually live by the words we speak.

When it comes to caring about the less fortunate, there can be a knee-jerk reaction, which is hopefully unconscious, to do the same thing. Once can care about people in need if they look a certain way, or if they seem “nice” or are at least making an effort to blend in with what we consider ‘normal’ in our society. But what about the dregs of society? Don’t they count too? Shouldn’t we show them even more care and concern?

Watch in this video clip how people’s attitude changes once the appearance of the ‘person in need’ changes:

Caring should be universal and with few, if any exceptions. If we truly have compassion, we need to always live our lives that way — so whenever someone says “I care,” it should always be genuine concern and compassion without prejudice.



D. Wallace
Positivity Post

Trying to do my part in making the world a better place through positivity, compassion, gratitude and most importantly, the power of love and human kindness.