You Have a Superpower that Can Heal the World

D. Wallace
Positivity Post
Published in
6 min readMay 21, 2018

Have you ever felt powerless and frustrated that you can’t make a change in the world? You probably have and you should know, you’re not alone. The feeling that we can’t make this world a better place is a common one — it’s also a false belief.

Each of us is born with an absolutely incredible power. In fact, that power is so potent, that if unleashed in full-force, it could quite literally alter the course of human history. What is this power that we all have within us? This super-human, extraordinary power is called love.

A super-human power?
Love is truly a beautiful, awe inspiring force because all life is inter-connected. We are linked together through a web of life and that life — all life — is meant to be a force for good in the universe. We are not meant to live in struggle, chaos, anger and fear, but rather, we’re supposed to live a life of peace and harmony. All life matters and has value, but we’ve forgotten this and as a result, we’re losing our humanity and withholding the love that is meant to unite us together.

In our rush to embrace “progress,” we’ve become deluged in material things and we try to convince ourselves it will bring happiness. It doesn’t. In our modern world, we’ve lost sight of what truly matters and we’re trying to fill the void with meaningless noise and clutter — we’re sacrificing our superpower for a diluted, unfulfilling existence.

We’re starting to see a hardening of hearts and this is leading to a suppression of love. We see horrific events taking place daily — war, famine, crime, terrorism, mass shootings, and more. When one stops to think, it can seem as if the list of horrors we create, or allow to take place, is endless. The problem is thought, too many people aren’t actually stopping to think about it because the reality is too harsh to comprehend. Deep down, we know these terrible things are happening and we feel awful about it, but we close our eyes to it. We hope and pray that someone…somewhere, will take care of it and make it all go away. Well, that “someone” is you and that someone is me. It starts with each of us and that means we’ll need to start invoking our superpower — the power of love.

This is Positivity?
You may be thinking “what a dark and thoroughly negative way to see life.” You’d be right if that is how I actually saw the world, but I don’t…per se. Despite all the problems, I do see the world as being full of possibility and having a glorious future — but, only if we finally unleash the power of love to heal the world.

I honestly don’t know why so many people are afraid to unleash the power of love, but for some reason, we’re hording it and this is only making things worse. Perhaps we fear that if we do let love rule our heart, we’ll somehow lose out in life? Maybe we’re afraid to say the word “love,” and this means we’re afraid to feel it and show it as well?

What ever the reasons, if we continue to let fear, anger, greed and jealously rule our hearts, the collective power of love will struggle to heal the world.

The capacity to love is something we all possess, but to fully maximize its universal healing power, we need to let it flow freely throughout the world, letting it grow in strength and reach.

What we can all do
How do we embrace love and unleash its power? The first step is to be conscious of the need to do so, as well as the miraculous results it will have. We have to let go of the negative fears we all harbor deep inside and take that leap of faith that will unleash the power of love.

A good place to start is for all of us to:

Withhold judgment. We are all equal. All life matters. No one is beneath you, just as no one is above you. We are all the same, whether we realize it or not. We should stop immediately judging others — reject the urge to label people and instead, just accept them for who they are. After all, isn’t that we want others to do for us?

“Judge tenderly, if you must. There is usually a side you have not heard, a story you know nothing about, and a battle waged that you are not having to fight.” ― Traci Lea LaRussa

Practice compassion. Kindness and love go hand-in-hand. Care for others, including animals and nature. Rather than seeking to harm, destroy, dismiss or oppress, we should let the love in our heart guide us to helping, healing, uplifting and improving. We all have feelings…and that goes for animals too…so we should be kind to all life.

Practice random acts of kindness. Open the door. Say thank you. Help someone in need. Give an encouraging word. Be a friend to someone who may be lonely. Adopt a shelter pet. With kindness comes compassion and that fosters the light of love — and, before we know it, that love is bursting out of us in rays of light as powerful as the sun’s.

Offer hope. Try to be a source of comfort and hope. Share positivity and let your words and actions be a source of healing and good in the world. If each of us offered some hope to others, think about the incredibly positive impact that would have throughout the entire world.

Awaken our consciousness. Become conscious of all things negative in your your mind and in your life. Consciousness is key, because when we throw open the shades and let the light in, the life-draining emotions and fears that hold us back, start to run away from the light.

“Holding anger is a poison…It eats you from inside…We think that by hating someone we hurt them…But hatred is a curved blade…and the harm we do to others…we also do to ourselves.” ― Mitch Albom

Let go of anger, jealousy and greed. These are truly deadly sins. Fear, greed, jealousy, pride…all of these are destroyers of life. They drag us down and they chain us to a life of negativity. Let them go! Become aware of when you might be feeling one of these life-sucking emotions and use your personal power to banish them. Its not easy and we can’t just snap our fingers and make them go away, but with courage, mindfulness, faith and hope, we’re better equipped to defeat these negative emotions.

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” — 1 Corinthians 13:4–7

Love is free, so shouldn’t we give it without limit? Have you hardened your heart in some way — perhaps in a way you may not even be conscious of? Look deep within your heart and ask yourself — is holding onto hatred, jealousy and fear worth it?

“Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.” — 1 John 4:8

“Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone’s face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.” — Henri Nouwen

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

Read more:

Love is the Key to a Good Life

There’s No Charge for Love

There is a Real Hunger For Love

* Top image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons



D. Wallace
Positivity Post

Trying to do my part in making the world a better place through positivity, compassion, gratitude and most importantly, the power of love and human kindness.