The Story of the Global South

Samantha Suppiah


We live in an era of civilisational destruction — of cities consuming nature. The collapse of the Global South is also the collapse of Mother Earth. We live a spiritual crisis, a consciousness crisis. Global leadership collapses. And even as decay happens, new shots arise. New plants are growing. At the intersection of technology and regeneration, using the colonisers’ language and platforms to decolonise the future.

POSSIBLE FUTURE’s first dialogues were held at TEDxGRC on 17th October 2020, with three panels: The Story of the Global South, Decolonisation & DTM, and Pluriversality & Regeneration.

Sahana Chattopadhyay:

And welcome everyone to today’s panel on POSSIBLE FUTURES. We chose to hold dialogues to bring together the MULTIVERSE of stories and narratives from the geographical and the metaphorical South. Those unheard, unseen, unknown, and fail often unacknowledged stories, the trapped stories. Stories that are lurking in the folds and fractures of our modern civilization and waiting to be told.

We felt that only through DIALOGUES can we collectively reimagine a future that works for all. Dialogues offer us opportunities to intertwine and interweave the myriad ways of being, seeing, and knowing. And dialogues also…



Samantha Suppiah

Southeast Asian trickster. Design strategist for decolonial sustainability & regeneration.