Python Tips

Tips you might not know

Jacob Kim
Python Tips
6 min readJan 27, 2016


“%r” % anything

  • Formating String
  • print RAW data of object
  • r means representation → repr


  • argument variable

Magic Method

can receive method(not existing in class) call by __getattr__ as string
(other magic methods:

Comparison Operators

  • <> : !=

Performance Tips

Inheritance VS Composition

  • ex) Composition


  • It is recommended use try-except when catch module’s Exception


A decorator is just a function that takes a function as an argument and returns a wrapped function.


  • Upper example’s function does not have docstring(__doc__), name(__name__)
  • use functools.update_wrapper: copy functions references
  • inspect module
    Can get function’s signature


Method is saved to class’s attribute

Basically, Class’s method is unbound(2.x)
You can create a instance of class using __self__ and also can make sure you pass a parameter value to the __self__.


Return a static method for function.
A static method does not receive an implicit first argument.

  • can remove self from arguments
  • Each time it is not necessary to instantiate a bound method to create the object.
  • Bound methods also object so the cost of creating an object is generated.


Methods that are bound to a Class

  • It is often used to create a factory method to create an object in a certain way.
  • It is useful to create instance of class similar to __init__

Abstract Method

The method is defined in the parent class, but that may not have an actual method implementation.

abc module

Python is also possible to include the implementation of the code to abstract methods, unlike the other language. Also it is accessible to super.


Python has multiple inheritance is made possible from the very early stage of development.

Method resolution order, MRO

Descriptor Protocol


  • cf) expression is located next to the lambda.
  • yield is the expression
  • yield expression‘s value is None
  • If the caller passes a value to yield the expression generator may have a value other than None. For this purpose, the generator provides a method called send ().
  • next(g) is generator.send(None)
  • The generator also provides methods throw () and close (), in addition to the send (). The purpose of these functions is entered in the generator because of the coroutine.

Functional standard functions

  • map(function, iterable)
    Call function using each item in the iterable.
    Python 2.x will return a list as a result. Python 3.x will return a iterable map.
  • filter(function or None, iterable)
    Filter iterable items based on function’s result.
    Python 2.x will return a list as a result. Python 3.x will return a iterable map.
  • enumerate(iterable[, start])
    return a iterable enumerate, this object yield tuple.
  • sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False)
    return a sorted iterable. you can pass sorting function to key argument
  • any(iterable), all(iterable) are all return boolean based on iterable.
    Useful in checking that values will meet all or any of conditions
  • zip(iter1, [,iter2 […]])
    It is used to combine a number of list in the tuple.
    It is useful to replace a pair of keys and values with the dictionary.
    in Python 2.x: itertools.izip, itertools.imap, itertools.ifilter, etc.
  • functools.partial
    Do not really allow changing the behavior of the function, the function is to create a wrapper function as a trick to change the factors that you need.

AST(Abstract Syntax Tree)

  • Any programming language represents an abstraction of the source code in a tree structure.
  • Python also makes the AST parse the source files in the source.

Data Structure


  • you can use set’s functionality instead of nested for loop and if condition.



Ordered List and bisect

  • Ordered List: Can receive value in O(log n)
  • bisection algorithm
  • bisect.bisect(list, item): returns an insertion point which comes after (to the right of) any existing entries of x in a.
    (bisect.bisect, bisect.bisect_left, bisect.bisect_right)
  • bisect.insort(list, item): inserting x in a after any existing entries of x.
    (bisect.insort, bisect.insort_left, bisect.insort_right)


Python objects are save all property to some dictionary

The purpose of __slots__ is to reduce the space in memory that each object instance takes up.

Named Tuple



Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities

Long Text

Zen of python

class getattr, setattr

update python class’s attributes

  • use setattr(model_instance, key, value)

Variable Reference

Best Practices



Magic Method with __getattr__

using __getattr__ can receive method call not existing

Reduce visual noise with variable positional arguments

  • Functions can accept a variable number of positional arguments by using *args in thedef statement.
  • You can use the items from a sequence as the positional arguments for a function with the *-operator.
  • Using the *-operator with a generator may cause your program to run out of memory and crash.
  • Adding new positional parameters to functions that accept *args can introduce hard-to-find bugs.

Argument Related

Default Argument Values

Unpacking Argument Lists

Use None and Docstring to specify dynamic default arguments

  • Default arguments are only evaluated once: during function definition at module load time.
    This can cause odd behaviors for dynamic values (like {} or []).
  • Use None as the default value for keyword arguments that have a dynamic value. Document the actual default behavior in the function’s docstring.

Python Logging

Logging related Tips

Python Subprocessing

Security Problem

Python Standard Docstring

It will be continuously updated. Please send a feedback to me.

