Table #5

Ken West
Post Card Stories
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2022

I was seated at the most coveted spot in the restaurant. Soon, I found out why.

A table set for one at a restaurant
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

It was the most sought-after spot in the most exclusive restaurant in the city.

No one sat at table #5 unless they were the biggest of big shots.

Even then, they had to be really up there on the spectrum of importance, not just a local celeb.

So, you can imagine my surprise when the host seated me and my dog Mollie at a table that was the most sought-after spot in the restaurant.

On my daily walks in the city, I had noticed well-dressed people going into the place with their Great Danes, English Bulldogs, and Chow Chows. So, I decided to bring my mutt, Mollie.

It was my birthday. I had saved up my money to afford dinner at the best restaurant in town.

Moments after I was seated and Mollie had found a comfortable spot under the table, the owner of the place came rushing over to offer me his regards. Even my dog seemed impressed when the guy bent down and offered her a tasty treat.

From that moment on, the service I got blew me away. Wow! So, this is the way big shots lived.

I wondered how they had known it was my birthday.

But I found out that their special treatment had nothing to do with the day of my birth…

Apparently, I was a dead ringer for the real bigshot who finally showed up, waiting for his coveted Table #5.

Once again, the owner came rushing over to my table, profusely apologizing that due to circumstances beyond his control, me and my dog would need to relocate to a different table.

But my dinner and the dog’s treats would be on the house.

It wasn’t a bad deal, but I refused to move.

I liked this table.

So did my dog.

Soon a squad of the city’s finest showed up to escort me and Mollie out the door.

Mollie made quite a fuss as we were leaving. As if by a secret canine communication, the other dogs in the place began barking and yapping. Made quite a racket.

When we were outside, the police gave me a choice: Go home or go to jail.

Mollie and I went home.

There was a silver lining to this whole affair…

Now that I knew I look exactly alike the biggest of the big shots, I decided to visit the other fine dining establishments in the city.

It was fun being treated like a big shot.

Most of the time I got to finish my main course.

I seldom got dessert. That would be pressing my luck.

The downside of my fine dining experiences was that Mollie developed a taste for the finer treats offered in these top-notch establishments.

Hell, those things are expensive!

Photo of Mollie by Ken West

