Post Growth Institute Joins Progressive International

Post Growth Institute
Post Growth Perspectives
3 min readJan 26, 2021

BERLIN — December 2020

The Post Growth Institute has become a member of Progressive International, a global network of parties, movements, organizations and peoples uniting behind a shared vision of a world transformed.

The Post Growth Institute, which seeks to restore human and planetary wellbeing by strengthening systems that circulate money, power and resources, joins the newly-formed Progressive International in a bid to boost the transformation to a post-capitalist world.

The move comes amid a deepening economic crisis resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, with millions of people losing or at risk of losing their livelihood.

“The coronavirus crisis has exposed the fragility of our current economic system. We’ve been told that capitalism is strong and resilient, yet the cracks are showing. The divisions and inequities that were always there have been laid bare. At the Post Growth institute, we’ve long believed in the need to unify diverse groups and organizations in the exploration of social and economic systems beyond capitalism, and the Progressive International explicitly names — and aims at — that goal,“ said Donnie Maclurcan, Co-founder and Executive Director of the Post Growth Institute.

“The rise of authoritarian nationalists has been aided and abetted by corporate allies across borders. If we are to face down the climate emergency and build a new social and economic system, progressive forces must join together across continents and share in each others’ struggles. We are delighted Post Growth Institute has joined Progressive International as our newest member — joining over 80 organizations from over 40 countries, representing millions of people — as we build our planetary front,.” said David Adler, General Coordinator of the Progressive International.

The Post Growth Institute is an international not-for-profit organization, and one of the world’s few groups to integrate macro, micro and community economy perspectives into a holistic vision for a sustainable future. Its research, training and movement-building includes initiatives such as Free Money Day, a global, annual event to spark conversations about alternative economic systems; and the Offers and Needs Market, a facilitated process to revitalize communities. Across its work the PGI seeks to elevate the voices and achievements of others working toward similar goals, especially those whose perspectives have been historically marginalized.

Progressive International unites, organizes and mobilizes progressive activists around the world in order to create a common front and develop practical and tangible policy vision by building durable infrastructure for internationalism. The organization aspires to a world that is democratic, decolonised, just, egalitarian, liberated, solidaristic, sustainable, ecological, peaceful, post-capitalist, prosperous and plural. Its work revolves around three pillars: Movement — empowering progressive activists and organisers; Blueprint — crafting a shared vision of a world transformed; and Wire — publishing grassroots and critical perspectives.

For more information on the Post Growth Institute, visit or email

For more information on Progressive International, visit or email



Post Growth Institute
Post Growth Perspectives

Writing by team-members, guest contributors, and Fellows of the Post Growth Institute (PGI).