Post Growth Ripples: May 2021

How post-growth approaches are emerging at the systems level while helping businesses, communities, and individuals to thrive.

Post Growth Institute
Post Growth Perspectives
3 min readMay 18, 2021


Courtesy of Laura Loescher, Earth Altars

Here at the Post Growth Institute, we collaboratively develop ideas, programs, events and alliances that promote the equitable circulation of money, power and resources in our local communities and global economy. Each month, we publish an overview of our key activities and impact through the various pillars of our work.

Post-Growth Living

This month saw the completion of our latest round of Offers and Needs Market Facilitator Training. Over five weeks, 60 participants learned how to host a transformative guided process in which community members meet to identify and exchange their passions, knowledge, skills, resources, opportunities, and needs.

One participant commented: “I’m so grateful for this transformative experience. It’s been like receiving an answer to something I didn’t know I was asking for.”

Reflecting on her top three learnings from the experience, another remarked on the “importance of reminding ourselves that we are enough and have enough; the scope of an ‘Offers and Needs’ approach to life, from our personal daily rhythms to our inner groups and wider circles; and the importance of grounding, embodied practice and times for silence.”

Meanwhile, our popular article, Post Growth Futures are Already Here, was translated into Spanish by Futuro Sostensible.

Find out more about our Offers and Needs Market Facilitator Training and sign up to the waitlist for the next round.

Post-Growth Entrepreneurship

This month we provided consultancy for Blackberry Removal in Williams, the Functional Foundational Pediatric Therapy, and the Golden Rule Reentry Project.

Donnie recently delivered a presentation for the Post Growth Incubator, which is made up of entrepreneurs who want to actively apply the post-growth model to their business endeavours.

Contact us now for consultancy, feedback or collaboration opportunities.

Post-Growth Economics

We signed on to a letter by Veterans for Peace to the US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, addressing military carbon emissions.

Our Fellowship Director, Jessica Jane Lavelle, co-published an article on the role of post-growth approaches in conservation, and our Research and Writing Circle convenor, Lina Lefsted published a paper on the potential of the circular economy in generating a socially and ecologically just future.

Interested in writing about post growth? Submit an article to us!

How our work is changing us

Research intern Lina shares how joining the Post Growth Institute has positively impacted her outlook in both her professional and personal life.

The PGI came into my life at a time when the world seemed pretty bleak: I had just finished my Master’s degree in ecological economics and felt ready to go out and implement the knowledge I had gained somewhere in the world, but the Covid-19 pandemic put these plans on hold. Joining the PGI, getting to know the bright, empathetic and knowledgeable people that make up this organization, and feeling like I can still contribute towards the change I would like to see gives me confidence in the good in the world. I have learned a lot about topics like money, debt, inequality and about myself as a person, as well as about sociocracy: seeing a sociocratic organization work in practice, how its dynamics mold and evolve, has been and continues to be really inspiring. And perhaps most of all, knowing that there is a whole PGI family just across the other side of the screen to go to for guidance and support as I step into my professional life, people to discuss ideas with, is really something I appreciate beyond words.

Discover how you can be part of the global shift to an economy that’s better, not bigger, in our article: 50+ ways to support the Post Growth Institute.

To directly and immediately impact our work, donate today. Every single contribution makes a difference and inspires our team to even greater action. experiences with the PGI are rippling out to unexpected environments.

Find out more about the Post Growth Institute on our website.



Post Growth Institute
Post Growth Perspectives

Writing by team-members, guest contributors, and Fellows of the Post Growth Institute (PGI).