Postcard For A Stranger: A World Emoji Day Special

Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2018

At PostMoji our goal has always been to bridge the gap between the old-school & new-age form of Expression, which we facilitated by taking the one thing that connects Millennial Expression in the digital world: Emojis and turned them into giant physical postcards that you could send to anybody along with a message, thus bringing them into the real world.

Emojis were first created by Dr. Scott Fahlmann back in 1982, to make life easier while communicating and they were almost instantly very widely accepted; three decades on, an Emoji is more than just an icon; it now counteracts as emotions in itself. It says everything you need to say, without having to say it.

World Emoji Day on the other hand began just 4 years ago in 2014, to celebrate this one form of expression that’s taken over the Millennial world. And as a company that’s transcended Emoji’s into the physical world we wanted it to mean more. A simple emoji can spread such pure love, joy and cheer in its physical manifestation; we wanted to use the power of this simple icon to do exactly that but in a much different way this time.

So far you’ve associated PostMoji with a being product you can send to your family & friends as a tiny gesture, that packs a big punch and this year for World Emoji Day, we want to take it one step further and spread awareness for Mental Health.

“Sometimes there is something very comforting in the kind words of a total stranger, because we as humans aren’t binary entities leading parallel lives; but are interlinked by this intricate maze of actions & reactions that often begins a chain of events which impact each other. If I were being completely honest, I wouldn’t exactly consider kindness to be a virtue of the world we live in; and does that reflect in everything that consistently happens around us? I think it does.”

Though, there has been a lot of positive change happening around us and over the last year & half one such change is in the way mental health is perceived, people are finally opening up and narrating their stories more so in order to help other people who might be going through a difficult phase in life and now we wanted to do the same with PostMoji.

Having partnered with Manav Foundation, a leading mental health & care institute based in Mumbai we are trying to bring a little bit of the kindness and empathy back, especially when it’s in regard with a complete stranger; a stranger for a whom a little note and giant emoji can be mood changer & be a simple reminder, that somebody out there cares.

Why? Because, the one thing we’ve learnt over time is that a PostMoji isn’t a fleeting positive feeling like a text; but more a constant reminder of the feeling/emotion you were wanting to express. And we couldn’t think of better way to truly celebrate the Day of the Emoji than spreading unkindred, selfless and simplistic love amongst people who need it a wee little more than the rest.

One year ago, we had announced PostMoji with a simple goal of spreading positivity and love in the real world. The most memorable things often don’t need to be extravagant or over the top, but just heartfelt and that’s always what we’ve wanted to facilitate in this fundamentally digital world. So, as we carry on with our pursuit to achieve that goal, here is your chance to spread some love in the life of a complete stranger; but in a way that will not be forgotten with a new notification on their phone.

If I have said enough to catch your attention, and have you hooked — just click on this link to go onto our campaign page and find out more about how you can be involved.

And as always, if there’s anything you’d like to say to me (especially in regard with this initiative); feel free to reach out to me or drop me a line!

Love & Light,

Laksh Fomra




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Express The Old-School Way, With A New Age Twist.