How to Save Money on E-commerce Packaging and Supplies

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3 min readAug 22, 2019

When you’re running a small online online shop, you want to cut your costs as much as possible, so that your have a good profit margin without hiking up the price. Optimizing your packaging is one of the ways to save money and make your e-commerce business more profitable. Here are a few cost-saving measures you can take when packaging your products.

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Figure Out What Kind of Packaging You Need

To know what kind of packaging you need, you should know your product and your customers. For example, if you sell small and not fragile items, you can ship them in padded envelopes instead of boxes. They are easier to handle, and usually cheaper to purchase and ship. If you ship in boxes, make sure they are not too large for your products because with a too large box, you’ll need more cushioning to protect your products, which also costs money. In addition, larger boxes are more expensive to ship because of their dimensional weight.

Try Custom Packaging

If you’re unable to find a box that meets your size requirements, try getting custom packaging. There are a lot of online tools that allow you to design and order boxes that are specifically tailored for your product. Of course, custom packaging does cost money, but, as we’ve already mentioned above, so does shipping large and heavy packages. If you create a box that fits your product perfectly, it will help you save more money than you’ve spent on custom packaging design.

Research Suppliers and Stick with the Best

It will probably take you some time to find a good supplier with the perfect price/quality ratio (we strongly recommend that you get a sample from each supplier first and test the packaging before placing a big order). But once you’ve found your perfect or close-to-perfect supplier, stick with them. If you work with a single supplier for long enough, they are more likely to offer you additional discounts. And even if they don’t, it just makes things easier.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Consider Buying Packaging and Shipping Supplies in Bulk

If you’ve been running your business for some time and can approximate your monthly sales, you should consider buying shipping materials in bulk because buying in bulk is always cheaper than purchasing items one by one. You may end up paying more upfront, but it will save you money in the long run. Besides, it’s great to have extra supplies on hand in case of emergencies. You shouldn’t, however, buy in bulk when you’re trying out something new.

Use Only What Is Necessary

Of course, if your products are fragile, you must ensure they’re properly protected because your primary goal is to get the product delivered undamaged. Nevertheless, you should cut down on the number of layers and avoid using extra packaging materials unless they are strictly necessary. Again, if the box is the right size for your product, you’ll need less bubble wrap or Styrofoam peanuts, which will save you money.

Use Lightweight and Eco-friendly Packaging

The heavier the package, the more it costs to ship. While you can’t reduce the weight of your products (or can you?), it is possible to reduce the weight of its packaging. Eco-friendly packaging is the best solution because, in addition to being lightweight, it is good for the planet. Even if you personally don’t care much for the environment and sustainability, many consumers do, and the lack of green packaging will be a deal-breaker for them.

