Close to the Sky – perhaps as close as you will ever come.

Postcard Travel Club
Postcard Travel Club
2 min readNov 28, 2022


As you climb higher and higher, life’s complexity decreases, and simplicity takes over. The simple life of mountain retreat – sleep – eat – hike – rest – eat – sleep – reduces the diversity and sheer volume of your everyday life’s choices.

This brings a welcome silence your mind, reducing its chitchat to the essential. And gradually, as you climb higher, the lowlands drop away below you and the horizon opens up into this arena of mighty 8000m+ mountains. It is a space bearing the potential for deep transforming experience.

Once you acclimatize well, there is a great power and energy, which intensifies as you climb higher.

This crystaline energy of high spaces is like a natural invitation to zoom your attention into the NOW & HERE. To focus your awareness to the present moment. To feel clearly the sensation of the elements as they play with your senses – the wind, the sun, the water, the solid rock. This is a state of consciousness which brings insights and clarity into your life’s relevant questions.

And because of the invaluable power of simplicity, we close our mobile phones for this period of time. It is a precious opportunity to take a break from the connectivity and virtual communication habits of modern life – while connecting more deeply – to yourself, the NOW & HERE of this space, the people and places around you, and perhaps to that SOMETHING which is greater than all.

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