Taking uncertain paths in an uncertain world

I am writing this postcard to share a lesson I learned about taking new paths and listening to my 6th sense. I end up with a beautiful scene for every new and unsure way I follow, and I want to share that with you.

Cynthia Peter
Postcards by fancy nomads
4 min readApr 7, 2023


A picture of a farm in Gozo.
This is my favourite picture from Thursday, and I badly wanted to make it the cover image because it is beautiful.

Hey Pal,

It’s another beautiful postcard from me to you. The past few days have been eventful, but most importantly, I am enjoying trying out new things and making an effort to stick with my guts.

This morning, I made a dressing from mashed avocado, pepper, boiled eggs, and a spoonful of mayonnaise. I had no idea what I thought when I tried that combination, but it tasted good and was filling.

Bread and dressing made from avocado+mayonnaise+eggs.

I have always had a 6th sense. This sense always tells me to do stuff; sometimes, the things it tells me are weird and other times, these are things I should do. Like my 7th Sense telling me to put my power bank in my bag before I left the house for Victoria yesterday, I felt it was necessary since I would take the 8:30 am bus to town and 10 am back. I was sure my phone battery would last me for 2 hours.

We eventually left the house and got to the park in time, but we missed the bus because Dave and I were standing on the wrong side of the road. The bus breezed past us like a movie. We didn’t even notice it coming because we were looking at throwback Google photos of myself on my phone.

We eventually had to go to another bus stop and take the next bus, which cost us an extra hour. We finally got home at around 1 pm and arrived home with a 2% battery life.

San Blas road, Nadur

This morning I woke up and felt overwhelmed by everything I needed to do and the decisions I had to make, so I just took a walk. My walks are very random. I wear my running shoes, and off I go into the unknown.

I got to a Y-junction, and rather than take the road I was familiar with to San-blas, I took the other route. This route led me to a beautiful farming path.

This steep path led me to the end of the road.

I had a short conversation with a farmer, and at the end of the road was a beautiful view of the Mediterranean. Seeing the view made me super excited, and I felt proud. It was an uncertain decision, and the road was rocky and steep; I knew I would struggle to come back up, and it would cost me extra minutes. But I went with my instincts and found this beautiful view ( as of the time of writing this article, I found out that the place I found is the Gozo Xtreme Paintball, Triq Wied Rihan, Nadur).

End-of-street view of Triq Wied Rihan, In-Nadur
Triq Wied Rihan, In-Nadur

The lesson for me?

I want to learn to listen to my guts regarding serious decisions, like my career, relationships, etc. I want to listen to my instincts and simultaneously dare to take new paths.

I quickly take walks through new paths, try new recipes, and walk into new places without doubting myself for a second, but when it comes to my career, I withdraw and overthink things before I even take the chance to peep.

Sometimes it can be challenging, but acknowledging this and talking about it is my first step towards breaking away from my pattern of never daring to do things that could change my life for the better.

And if it doesn’t change it for the better, at least I learn something, right?

So Pal, What’s the worst thing that could happen if you take that path that your instincts tell you to follow?

Till I write to you again, Ciao.

My 5 seconds of happiness when I found this beautiful place.

PS: All images were taken by the author.

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A Maltese house in Nadur
Just because I love Maltese architecture.



Cynthia Peter
Postcards by fancy nomads

A mind learning to live one moment at a time. I am finding my path as a Writer. I write about Travel, nomad Living, musings, lessons, and growth.🚀