Choosing to lead

Posted by SYPartners
2 min readNov 11, 2016


For a company whose purpose is to envision, believe in, and fight for greatness every day, moments like this have caused us to reflect deeply on what we profess, and to humbly acknowledge that we have work to do.

In our community of clients, SYPartners has always sought and attracted leaders intent on transforming their organizations to make a greater impact. Leaders who believe — as we do — that the pursuit of greatness is a worthy one, and that the transformation of any system starts with activating the greatness within every human being in it.

So this week, while we go through our own emotional reckoning with the very real, very intense divisiveness laid bare by the U.S. election, we’re reminding ourselves and our clients: Change starts with each of us as individuals.

In particular, it starts with leaders squaring up to this moment of profound uncertainty.

Leading into the unknown, now more than ever, is going to require drawing upon optimism — an ability to see opportunity where others see roadblocks. Creativity — to make a path forward where there isn’t one. Authentic communication — to call the moment as it is, and build belief in a plan. And to tap into the humanity in every team member — to ensure the conditions for belonging so everyone can bring their best selves to the task of progress.

We’re going to be reminding and challenging our clients to exercise these capabilities over the months to come. And inside SYPartners we’re going to take our own medicine: To look inside ourselves, and ask, Am I bringing my full self to this moment, with optimism, creativity, humanity? Will I act, or avoid? Connect, or vilify? Will I seek understanding, or make assumptions? Will I choose diversity, inclusivity, and humanity in moments of anger, confusion, even despair? And what might we do, collectively, as SYPartners?

If you’re having similar conversations in your own company or community, let us know. We’d welcome the opportunity to extend the dialogue beyond our walls, and to determine how to lead into the unknown — together.

Drop us a line at or share comments below.

— SYPartners



Posted by SYPartners

We help leaders and organizations build the capability to transform into more vibrant versions of themselves — to grow with purpose and have positive impact.