Creativity: Empty Chairs And How The Chinese Came To Love Lattes

Richard Steele
Posted by SYPartners


I’ve been thinking a lot about creativity. Everyone is talking about how leaders can spur creativity. Often, the conversation turns to innovation labs, Post-Its, and designer furniture in colors millennials supposedly love.

But I’ve been searching for something more fundamental, something that gets to the heart of how a great leader can infuse creativity into every facet of an organization. It matters, because so many of the leaders I’ve been working with are besieged by a mass of data. Near instant data is giving leaders the illusion of control and squeezing out time to think. And I think it’s this overload that is killing creativity.

So, when Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz addressed the foreign policy think-tank, The Atlantic Council, last week, in Washington, D.C., it was revealing. The topic was “The Role and Responsibility of a Global Corporation.” I expected to write a piece about the role of purpose in building a great business and to comment on how, at Starbucks, corporate social responsibility has never been an off-to-the-side project–instead it is infused in every element of the business.

I wasn’t disappointed. As the interview by The Washington Post’s David Ignatius progressed, the packed room was given a privileged view into the origin story of Starbucks, with sound bites aplenty about purpose.

“We knew we were building a 100-story skyscraper,” Schultz explained. “But the question was what would be the foundation? We decided it would be the experience and sense of community created by the people in the Starbucks green apron.” Schultz talked about the implications of choosing to be a human business, “so it made sense that, 20 years before the Affordable Care Act, we would want to give people healthcare and also equity in the business.” He also underlined the surprising fact that “not every business decision is an economic one, instead decisions are a deposit in the large reservoir of goodwill.” As I listened, I wondered how many business leaders believe that in private although, sadly, would never talk that way in public or put that principle into practice.

But what struck me most about the conversation was the extent to which clarity of purpose can be a spur to creativity. I particularly loved hearing about a practice that anyone can use to translate purpose into innovation. Schultz explained that, when making decisions, he envisions two empty chairs: one is for the Starbucks employee, and the other is for a customer. Then he asks himself a beautifully simple question: What decision would make each of them proud?

It’s a stripped-down approach to spurring creativity based on the art of asking simple practical questions. We’re all so busy on Slack, email and our multiple devices that we are whiplashed by a sense of urgency. The constant communication isn’t going to stop, but it doesn’t take much time to reflect on Schultz’s pair of empty chairs. It’s a discipline, and well worth doing if you really believe your business is a human business.

Put another way, if you want to be more creative, be more curious.

Starbucks’ experience in China, a huge growth market for the brand, shows the power of asking simple but fundamental questions.

Schultz explained how he observed people at one of Alibaba’s massive company conferences. He noticed that employees and brought along their mothers and fathers, who were celebrated at the event. But instead of judging Alibaba’s people for their different cultural norms and dismissing members of the audience as helicopter parents, Schultz asked the company founder and CEO, Jack Ma, “Why?” It was then that Ma explained the paramount importance of honoring the parents of employees in China. Schultz took this lesson to heart, and soon Starbucks started creating special events and benefits designed for the parents of its own employees in China.

By being curious enough to ask the question, Starbucks was able to establish a critical cultural connection that helped translate its values in a relevant way in a country that too few US companies have truly cracked. It’s even led to innovations such as offering health insurance for the parents of Chinese employees. Yes, you read that correctly. At a time when too few companies cover their employees at all, in China some are offering inter-generational benefits.

It all ties into those foundational principles on which the Starbucks brand has been built: surpassing the expectations of employees, so that they can surpass the expectations of customers as human beings. Is it any wonder that Starbucks is opening a store in China every 15 hours?

Originally published in Forbes.

Richard (Dickie) Steele has more than two decades of experience in corporate strategy and organizational consulting, advising leaders in consumer goods, media, financial services, and social sectors. At SYPartners, he’s led work across IBM globally, partnering with senior leaders to establish new strategies and tools to transform the way they work. Dickie has written extensively on strategic management for publications including Harvard Business Review.

