Purpose: Want To Create Meaning? Have A Real Conversation

Richard Steele
Posted by SYPartners


“Was that even an ad?” asked my 10-year-old son as we waited for a movie.

He wasn’t the only one confused. We sat through multiple ads, each indistinguishable from the last except for the logo and message at the end — a beer company providing free water for disaster relief, a phone company promoting fair and equal pay, a financial services company celebrating national unity and a beloved soft drink promoting all forms of diversity.

Corporate America seems to be having some kind of identity crisis as leaders adopt the idea that companies should be led with purpose and, watching the ads, I think they are missing the point behind the pivot to purpose. If purpose is just the basis for broadcasting bright, shiny messaging, then a backlash is inevitable. And, if purpose is used to replace financial control with control through cultural uniformity, then the backlash will be deserved.

If purpose is just the basis for broadcasting bright, shiny messaging, then a backlash is inevitable.

Instead, leaders should use their company’s purpose to engage employees in new ways, to make decisions differently and to use real conversation to make work more meaningful. By real conversation, I mean practicing old-fashioned concepts such as actually listening to people.

The argument for leading with purpose and people — not just profits — is powerful:

First, at a time when every business must remake itself as a digital business, purpose can help point employees toward customers’ fundamental needs to spur innovation and create new markets.

Second, at a time when Gallup’s “State of the American Workplace” poll reports that more than half of Americans are disengaged at work, purpose can help tap intrinsic motivation.

And, finally, but most importantly, at a time when command and control can’t keep pace with customer choices and employee expectations, purpose should be developed in ways that foster a more open and inclusive culture which values differences of opinion.

For example, at a recent technology conference, Dave McKay, CEO of Royal Bank of Canada, explained how the entire organization was given a chance to shape the purpose of the bank through a company-wide jam. Everyone, including senior leaders had an on- and off-line conversation to contribute their ideas and perspectives on the bank’s purpose and how to activate it. He also explained how the bank uses its purpose of “helping clients prosper and communities thrive” to prioritize decisions as the core operations of the bank are remade for the digital era. Most importantly, he described engaging employees in a real conversation about what the bank is, and why it needs to change. The sense from McKay was that he was incredibly proud of his team, so it was natural to him that everyone would be included in a conversation designed to help them find their own meaning in their work. It’s a long way from putting together a slick advertising campaign. And at the heart is the basic idea that people find meaning in work when they feel they can shape it, and when their contributions are acknowledged. What better way than to listen to employees as they describe their sense of the company’s purpose.

Listening and then debating diversity of perspective is critical. As many in Silicon Valley are now discovering, the point of purpose is not to create a single-minded, cult-like obsession but rather to stimulate debate to help people make better decisions through involvement, and in doing so, make work more meaningful. In a real conversation dissenting voices are the most interesting and most important to engage with, and yet so often leaders tell employees simply “It’s time to get on the bus or get off.” So, what should leaders do?

Here are three questions to ask yourself as you start to lead your organization in a conversation to activate collective purpose:

  1. Which populations of employees are most marginalized today?
    Start with them, as they’re the most likely to bring something new or different to the conversation.
  2. How can you encourage a vigorous debate, and even dissenting voices, in conversations about your company’s purpose?
    Consider that it’s differences that enable species to adapt to a changing environment — the same is true for organizations.
  3. How will you go out of your way to make more time for listening and sharing what you’ve learned?
    Remember your behavior is the strongest indicator to employees of whether it’s worth their time engaging with you.

Originally published in Forbes.

Richard (Dickie) Steele has more than two decades of experience in corporate strategy and organizational consulting, advising leaders in consumer goods, media, financial services, and social sectors. At SYPartners, he’s led work across IBM globally, partnering with senior leaders to establish new strategies and tools to transform the way they work. Dickie has written extensively on strategic management for publications including Harvard Business Review.

