Wake Up; It’s Time To Make Business Human

Richard Steele
Posted by SYPartners
4 min readApr 26, 2018


Many business leaders were happy to turn the page on 2017—a turbulent year marked by decline in trust, low employee engagement and the exposure of abuses of power in the workplace.

But there is huge opportunity amid the turmoil, because it’s increasingly obvious that short-term, earnings-driven principles of leadership, organization and culture need a fundamental rethink.

You know something’s up when a century-old company like General Electric, that invented so much of 20th century management practice, is mired in problems which aren’t just economic but, by their own admission, deeply cultural.

At the same time, behind closed doors, West Coast technology companies that love to say their cultures are driven by world-changing goals and continual change, are reflecting on problems that run deep: issues like glaring gender and racial workforce disparities, and taking responsibility for the societal impact of technology. And these are issues that can’t be fixed with rapid prototyping. It’s time for these companies to mature culturally.

Put simply, work isn’t working anymore. Organizations need to be redesigned to make business human.

How to get started

It starts with some reflection and empathy. Take a minute to consider your best day at work: you found your flow and time passed quickly; you got done what you needed, saw the impact and received some recognition for it. Maybe you spent some time learning with someone who thinks differently and found the experience creative and enjoyable.

If a good day isn’t that hard to define, why do 64% of American workers believe their workplace is having a negative impact on their wellbeing?

It doesn’t have to be this way. We need to take the principles of human-centered design that increasingly are being applied to products and put them to use to redesign the workplace.

And that’s the purpose of this column. Here, you’ll learn about innovations from companies large and small, established and upstart, U.S. and global. You’ll learn from the front lines of organizational transformation. As societal impact becomes an increasingly important theme for CEOs, you’ll find crossover ideas from philanthropy, the social sector, even the military. I will draw upon my research and discussions with many CEOs, chief talent and diversity officers and other leading thinkers, from behavioral economists to neuroscientists. Through interviewing leaders from a dozen industries, ranging from bioscience to fashion, I have found some bold pioneers who are intent upon building organizations where people can thrive. You’ll read about them here.

In the coming weeks and months, I will lay out design principles that will enable the workplace to become more:

Meaningful, and infused with a greater sense of purpose;

Creative, and open to new ideas and smart risk-taking;

Collaborative, and able to scale change from the bottom to the top and across units;

Equitable, and able to create a sense of belonging for people bringing valued diversities;

Nurturing, and taking responsibility for fostering wellbeing and, finally;

Empowering, by helping colleagues learn new skills for rapidly shifting labor markets

As technology change accelerates, redesigning organizations with these principles will become a dominant priority for all CEOs. And some leaders are already driving transformation. You see it when major investors like Blackrock demand change in the basic tenets of corporate governance to account for companies’ impact on society. You see it when companies like Virgin launch a “100% Human at Work” program, arguing that “business needs to stop looking at people as resources and start seeing them as human beings.” You see it when Goldman Sachs encourages mindfulness and meditation at work, and in Johnson & Johnson’s Human Performance Institute’s development of science-based approaches to helping humans be at their best. And you see it in the partnership between WeWork and 2U, to provide access to innovative learning programs.

Business leaders can either wait for employees to demand change and risk the consequences of high turnover and declining productivity or, together, we can envision, design and build organizations that attract, inspire and motivate great people. What’s needed is a greater sense of ambition and urgency. Let’s activate human business.

Originally published in Forbes.

Richard (Dickie) Steele has more than two decades of experience in corporate strategy and organizational consulting, advising leaders in consumer goods, media, financial services, and social sectors. At SYPartners, he’s led work across IBM globally, partnering with senior leaders to establish new strategies and tools to transform the way they work. Dickie has written extensively on strategic management for publications including Harvard Business Review.

