Posterscope fuses the OOH industry currency with OCS

Posterscope UK
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3 min readApr 12, 2018

Posterscope fuses advanced OOH industry currency, Route, with OCS, the UK’s most detailed behavioural OOH Survey, to boost campaign reach & effectiveness.

Posterscope has fused its proprietary Out of Home Consumer Survey (OCS) with Route data to enable its planners to plan and buy OOH against a client’s core planning audience.

The OCS Route Fusion has been integrated into Posterscope’s location analytics, planning and trading platform ECOS and will allow its planners to quickly and easily re-create their clients’ precise planning audience, and then plan and optimise OOH campaigns against this at the same time as the much broader traditional buying audience.

This new depth of insight within OCS will also enable Posterscope to proactively analyse coverage and frequency and plan against audiences expressing interest in key moments such as sporting events, calendar events like Valentine’s Day or Easter, or environmental factors such as the weather, time of day and location.

Russell Smither, Insight Director at Posterscope, said: “Clients and agencies spend a significant amount of time, energy and money understanding target audiences, creating segmentations and then recreating these in media planning surveys such as TGI, OCS and Touchpoints to generate media and OOH insights. By fusing our own OOH Consumer Survey (OCS) with Route we have streamlined the OOH planning process which will significantly increase the reach and effectiveness of campaigns, amongst the audiences that clients most want to reach.”

This more personalised approach to planning will lead to more accurate and efficient OOH campaigns and mean advertisers are reaching more of the people they most want to talk to. For example, a rail digital six sheet campaign planned around “moments that matter” using the new OCS Route Fusion audience of “Men 25–64 who look forward to the Easter break” would deliver 40% more GRPs than the more traditional buying audience of Men 25–64. Similarly, using an OCS Route Fusion audience of “Men 25–64 who get excited around major sporting events”, a rail digital six sheet campaign would deliver 21% more GRPs than the more traditional buying audience of Men 25–64.

About Route

Route (OOH Industry Currency) launched in 2013. The most advanced OOH industry currency in the world where 28,000 GB respondents’ movements are tracked over a nine-day period with sophisticated GPS meters. Route facilitates planning and buying across nearly all OOH environments for classic and DOOH based on key target audiences created using information derived from the Route respondent questionnaire

About OCS

Out of Home Consumer Survey (OCS) is Posterscope’s market leading survey in both the UK and across around 30 international markets. OCS generates in depth understanding on OOH communications by identifying consumer’s attitudes, perceptions and thoughts on different OOH formats, environments and dynamic content opportunities. OCS also identifies consumers’ attitudes towards seasonal events, an understanding of the consumer journey on over 20 product categories with usage and affinity towards 250 brands.

