Planting Seeds

On the intersection of farming and building solidarity in a new economy.

Post Growth Institute
Post Growth Perspectives
2 min readMay 30, 2024


By Post Growth Fellow, Tannur Ali

Based in rural Alabama, on a five-acre plot of land nestled deep in the woods, Tannur Ali is the founder of iLOGIC, which works with cohorts of land stewards to prepare them to meet the challenges of today using the wisdom of our ancestors, elders, and children in the interest of our collective future. As a poet and facilitator, she seeks to build authentic relationships; and as a homesteader and home-school mom, she seeks to learn from the people and experiences that impact her.

iLOGIC’s Homestead Incubation Program supports the holistic growth and development of African American homesteaders reclaiming their relationships with the land in the 21st century. Operating as an affinity group for Historically Disadvantaged Beginning Farmers, specifically those who are descendants of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, the program is a safe space for learning, healing, and development while taking concrete steps to turn the tide of land loss within the Black community in the US.

Inspired by this poem? Here are some actions you can take next:

  1. Find out more about iLOGIC (Institute for the Love of Genius in Community)’s Homestead Incubation Program.
  2. Become a supporter of iLOGIC and help to fund its transformative work — from seeds to infrastructure and equipment.
  3. Browse iLOGIC’s wishlist and show your support by helping to provide essential items for the land steward training and running of the farm.

Find out more about the Post Growth Institute on our website.



Post Growth Institute
Post Growth Perspectives

Writing by team-members, guest contributors, and Fellows of the Post Growth Institute (PGI).