Hack Recap: HackTech ‘16

Andrew Mager ♫
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2016


This past weekend we traveled to Caltech’s campus in sunny Pasadena to hack alongside 500 of the best and brightest at HackTech.

The night before the hackathon, we hosted a meetup downtown where we got to meet some developers, merchants, and couriers:

Once the hackathon began, we set up shop in Avery Hall:

A few lucky participants walked away with a pair of Postmates socks:

Here are a couple of our favorite projects from the weekend:


This Android app lets you take a geo-tagged photo of an item, and Postmates will deliver it to you later. These high school students used Twilio, Wolfram Alpha, and Firebase to build this app.

The Race Condition

This hack finds Postmate delivery routes that are similar, and pits two couriers against each other to see who can complete the job the quickest. They used Twilio to text the Postmate to let them know if they won. Right before hacking ended for the day, they tested it out with two live couriers:

Here’s the team that built The Race Condition:

A big shoutout to the all organizers of HackTech and the MLH team for putting on a great event.

Special thanks to everyone who joined the weekend festivities from Postmates:

  • Andrew Wong, Lead Software Engineer
  • Andy Perry, Operations Specialist
  • Angela Hallinan, Regional Operations Manager
  • Jesus Flores, Community Manager
  • Jonathan Mickle, Site Reliability Engineer
  • Jono Spiro, Software Engineer
  • Nicole LeDoux, Regional Operations Manager
  • Ryan Dillon, Operations Manager

We’ll be in Austin, TX in a few weeks to participate in the SxSW Music Hackathon Championship. Hope to see you there!

As always, follow us on Twitter (@PostmatesDev), and register for a developer account to stay in tune with API updates.

Andrew Mager (@mager) is a partner engineer at Postmates.



Andrew Mager ♫

Full Stack Engineer at @Uber. Blogger turned coder. Music charms the soul. On Twitter: @mager.