Join Postmates in Our 7 Days of Giving Back This Holiday Season



2018 has been a year of incredible milestones for Postmates, from increasing access to our platform in over 550 cities across the US and Mexico to fulfilling the first full year of our social impact team, Civic Labs. To help celebrate these milestones, please join Postmates in 7 days of giving back. From 12/24/18–12/30/18 Postmates will donate half of your delivery fee to charity with entry of the promo codes below.

With the mission of Civic Labs being to positively impact our neighborhoods through community engagement and innovative technology solutions, we are proud of donating over 3,000 hours of time to over 115 unique organizations. We’ve also built FoodFight!, an innovative technology system unique to the Postmates platform that fills a void restaurants have been looking for. FoodFight! is available in Los Angeles and Detroit and offers an affordable and efficient way to donate excess food to local shelters at the touch of a button.

As of now, 40 million Americans struggle with hunger and roughly 40% of all produce is thrown away, meaning we can’t tackle this alone. FoodFight! is just a small part of the solution to this problem, and organizations like the ones we are supporting in our 7 days of giving back, are partners who are equally committed to ensuring everyone has access to healthy food this holiday.

To join us in giving back, enter the code associated with the charities below in the Postmates app. We are waiving 50% of the delivery fee on your next order and donating the other half to the charity of your choice. Take a look at the organizations we’re partnering with and click the link to learn more about the incredible work that they do to fight hunger and solve for food security.

Organizations We’re Partnering With:

Thanks for helping us deliver just a little more cheer this holiday.

To learn more about FoodFight! or suggest a shelter that could be a good recipient for food donations, click here.

Delivery and service fees may vary and may apply. Store and offer availability based on user location. Limit 1 use per customer. Donation amount up to a maximum aggregate value of $40,000.




On-demand delivery from every restaurant & store in your city. Customer support: @Postmates_Help. Download here: