Postmates joins the amicus brief opposing Trump’s immigration ban

Published in
1 min readFeb 7, 2017

Postmates has joined the amicus brief with other tech companies opposing President Trump’s immigration order. Immigration is an issue that we feel strongly about. Among other things, Postmates employs and continues to attract workers from around the world. Our success is based in no small part on Postmates’ ability to hire and retain employees from this country and others around the globe. The Executive Order impairs that important ability by substituting unpredictable and unfair immigration policies for those that have governed this country for decades. Postmates believes that the Order, if operative, will inflict significant harm on U.S. companies like Postmates, and jeopardizes innovation by making it unreasonably burdensome and expensive to attract the best employees.

We will continue to fight this Order, as we believe it is unconstitutional, discriminatory, and — quite simply — mean spirited.

Rob Rieders, General Counsel & Secretary, Postmates Inc.

(You may also read more about Postmates’ stance on this issue here.)




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