Postmates + Stride: Expanding Fleet Benefits



At Postmates, there’s nothing more important than the voices and needs of our fleet members. We’re committed to empowering our workers and building a platform that works for them. That’s why we created the Fleet Advisory Board (FAB), whose feedback is shaping policies on health care, safety, inclusion, career development, finances, and economic opportunity.

We’ve worked closely with fleet members to connect Postmates to free healthcare savings, provide tools to take the stress out of choosing health insurance, and develop options for immediate access to earnings. Working with Stride, we’ve helped more than 3,600 Postmates sign up for health, dental, and vision coverage and save hundreds of dollars a month. More than 30,000 fleet members have used Stride Tax and claimed more than $5 million in write-offs.

But all this is just the beginning. We believe on-demand companies need to think bigger and bolder when it comes to benefits for workers. Our goal is an industry-wide fund, paid for by gig companies like ours, to make sure all workers have access to benefits like on-the-job accident insurance, career development programs, disability and long-term retirement savings, and health care.

Based on feedback from the Fleet Advisory Board, and as a down payment on that vision, we’re excited to announce the expansion of our partnership with Stride through Stride Benefits, which will offer all Postmates access to a wider set of opportunities and discounts to maximize their earnings and benefits, including:

  • Access to board-certified physicians 24/7
  • Discounted rates on prescriptions
  • Disability and life insurance
  • Online banking options

We’re going to keep centering the voices of our Postmates and improving the Fleet experience. We’re committed to building not just a stronger safety net for all our workers, but also a springboard to future opportunities. This expanding partnership is another step on that journey — and there’s more to come!




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