Proudly Employing A High-Skilled & Diverse Workforce



Today, Postmates CEO Bastian Lehmann spoke to MSNBC about recent federal actions taken to refine our guest-worker visa system, and the importance of strengthening our immigration laws, while employing and celebrating diversity at the company.

The United States must remain a place of opportunity and inventive spirit for those from all walks of life. And brick by brick we must build a more perfect union that allows individuals to thrive, tackle modern challenges, build businesses, and add to our nation’s economic competitiveness. That’s also why today Postmates joined 162 companies in filing a brief in The United States Court of Appeal for the Fourth Circuit — arguing that a second executive order that precludes immigrants from certain countries is unlawful. All told, such efforts and programs advanced by the current Administration, have the effect of erecting walls — instead of building bridges — between citizens of the country and citizens of the world.

Click this video to watch the complete MSNBC interview

Much like the story of this nation, Postmates is a family of immigrants. We have taken steps to ensure jobs and growth take root in the United States. That’s why we invested in building our support center in Nashville, Tennessee instead of outsourcing it to another country. And that’s why we continue to empower a vast network of legally verified Postmates to earn income that can be spent freely in the United States and reinvested in the growth of communities and the broader economy.

As an immigrant himself, Bastian said he is “not only proud to have started a company and to have brought jobs to America — but particularly proud to see that we have connected millions merchants and customers, and seen a total value of goods near $1B being pushed across our platform.” That’s growth. Those are tax dollars going back into the American economy. And we do that by enabling opportunity among all people — not erecting walls between them.

At Postmates, we will continue to support the United States and its economy, as well as a discussion around how we can best refine and strengthen our immigration laws and guest worker programs. But this need not come at the expense of leaving world-class talent on the table for other countries to seize; nor should efforts to strengthen our visa programs needlessly discriminate against individuals seeking the opportunity to work hard, grow a business, and make a fair wage for their families.

To see the complete interview visit MSNBC.




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