If You Have Any Interest In Twitch, You Should Be Watching Dropped Frames

The Dolmen Duke
Published in
1 min readSep 9, 2016

This one is short and sweet. Think of Dropped Frames like a Twitch weekly round up for new games, Twitch news, open opinions, trends, and much more. It’s a talk show, and everyone from streamers to game journalists should give it a shot.

The show is hosted on itmeJPs’ channel, typically on Tuesdays, then later uploaded to his YouTube. JP is accompanied by Cohh, Zeke, and a weekly guest. These are some of the most diverse (in terms of communities and games they play) streamers on Twitch. JP used to be an eSports caster, Zeke is a comedian/performer, and Cohh is one of the largest Variety streamers on Twitch. Needless to say, they all bring very different perspectives to the table.

The point I’m getting at here is, if you want a one stop shop for getting a “pulse” on Twitch as a whole, Dropped Frames is a great start and worth your time.



The Dolmen Duke

Twitch streamer and creator of @PMGblog here on Medium. Feel free to yell at me on Twitter @TheDolmenDuke