How to Protect Your Social Media Privacy

Stelina (Astghik) Nikoghosyan
POP Social Media
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2019

Social media and privacy seem mutually exclusive nowadays. We used to think our online privacy was under our control, but as more and more data scandals come to the surface, we now realize nothing is private.

All popular social media platforms are useful for students, stay-at-home moms and even entrepreneurs, but very often those platforms go too far and share more than we would prefer to share.

These social media privacy tips can help you leave a smaller digital footprint by limiting the amount of personal information companies collect from you.

Choose carefully who can see your posts

Share your posts only with a select number of people:

  • send a private message instead of sharing a post with everyone
  • share the post with only one friend
  • limit your audience from Public to Friends only

Don’t share any app info with social media

Good job! You’ve been running for 40 minutes using that cool fitness app. But don’t be tempted to flex on your friends by sharing your running route. Of course it can be fun to share your achievements. Just know that by sharing the details, you let everyone in on:

  • where you are running
  • what type of phone you use
  • where your home is located

You don’t need that quiz

I’m sure you are curious to know your personality type, how many kids you really want and how many trips you’ll take next year. Passing silly quizzes is fun, but they track all your personal information from your social media account, plus, you voluntarily provide answers to their questions.

Don’t fill out your profile

The less information you share, the harder it will be for anyone to get their hands on your data. Don’t help them!

Why do you even have to share information about your political views, relationship status or phone number?! If you genuinely care about your online privacy, you shouldn’t do it.

Be cautious of clickbaits

Avoid clicking random things like “follow the link to see magic” or “find out when you will marry.” These kinds of links and games are a trap to get access to your private information. No social media ever take responsibility for third-party apps.

Trust your intuition

Very often, you don’t even have to know about this or that virus or ways companies get access to your data. You can tell when the platform you’re using is not secure enough. Trust your gut, and delete your entire profile. Getting new likes and comments to feel good for a short time is not worth compromising your privacy.

Look for better alternatives

It shouldn’t be totally on you to protect your data. Social media companies should also take responsibility for protecting their users’ personal information. But almost all social media platforms fail to do so. They were designed with the goal of collecting and then selling your information.

POP is different. It’s the first communication network designed with the goal of protecting your privacy and security. As a POP member, you can be confident your personal information and content belongs to you — and that you can control it. You can even edit or delete messages you’ve already sent and limit access to your content. These are just a few of POP’s unique features.

It’s time for us to take action and speak up about social media privacy violations. We need better laws and regulations to protect our social media privacy, and we have to make social media companies change the way they treat our data — or leave their platform for better networks.

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Stelina (Astghik) Nikoghosyan
POP Social Media

I'm a travel blogger & photographer specialized in digital marketing and passionate about content creation.