Marc Blinder
Posts from Emmerge
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2015


Threadable Joins Emmerge To Make Email Work Better for Teams

After a two years of helping groups communicate more efficiently over email, the team behind YCombinator-backed Threadable are joining with Emmerge to accelerate the development of the first email-based collaboration platform, helping groups inside and across organizations collaborate better without leaving their inbox.

According to Threadable cofounder Nicole Aptekar, “Email remains the only tool that lets people coordinate and collaborate without requiring them to join some closed platform. But it doesn’t function well for group task management and knowledge sharing. We want to fix that without losing email’s open nature.” She and cofounder Ian Baker are joining the Emmerge team to work toward their shared vision of a collaboration tool that doesn’t require everyone to buy in. “There are dozens of collaboration platforms, but they all require an entire team to join for them to be useful, and they do nothing for collaboration outside an organization. Emmerge solves this problem, giving people the first modern, cloud-based teamwork experience that’s built into their existing communication stream,” said Aptekar.

“We’re incredibly excited to have the Threadable team onboard,” said CEO Marc Blinder. “Together we’re focusing on three core values: increasing visibility and accountability, allowing users to help each other get organized, and working well with partial adoption. By building a platform based on email, we’re able to help users in their existing workflow, without requiring them to adopt new systems.”

“Everything we do is designed to reduce mental overhead, minimize distraction, and increase flow” said Chief Operating Officer Jeff Feldman, “The conversational interface makes people’s messages smarter. Why should you enter all of your tasks in a task-management system when you just wrote them in an email? Why should you have to move something to a folder when you’ve already indicated where it belongs? We wanted to build something that augments the messages people already write, so we’ve built a tool takes the things people want to be collective actions, like tasks or categorization, and makes them actionable by the group. It’s email for the modern era.”

Threadable, a SaaS tool for managing email groups, will be released under an open source license and remain available to its community of thousands of active users. The Threadable team will be focused on the core Emmerge product, currently in private beta.

About Emmerge

Emmerge is an email-based collaboration platform — a single inbox that helps individuals and groups manage tasks, files, and communication. Because it’s based on the universal standard for business communication, Emmerge functions across company boundaries and works within large enterprises where partial adoption is the norm. Emmerge is designed and built in San Francisco.

About Threadable

Threadable makes group email less noisy and more actionable. With one simple email address for your team, there’s no reply-to-all, no noise, and no hassle. Threadable is based in San Francisco.

