So You Think You Have Nothing to Offer on Social Media? Think Again!

Richard RB Botto
4 min readApr 7, 2016

I’m fortunate to have been granted the opportunity to travel the world speaking on the subject of social media. And, naturally, by virtue of being the CEO of a social media platform, I communicate and engage with a wide swath of people from every corner of the earth daily. As such, I am exposed to the anxieties and hesitations many people face as it relates to being an active participant on social media. Simply put, many people think they have nothing to bring to the party.

There are certainly statistics that illustrate this as fact. According to data from GlobalWebIndex, in December of 2014, two out of every five Facebook users (not including China) used the site passively to browse but not to interact. And in polling and focus group studies conducted in advance of the writing of my film crowdsourcing book for Focal Press, 47% of those queried stated that while they enjoyed social media they believed they had “little or nothing to offer.”

I’m here to tell you that’s just not true. There is a direct inroad. One that requires no writing skills, cutesy emoticons or heavy analysis.

Sharing content.

My mornings are spent reading the Hollywood trades and industry related websites. As an actor, screenwriter and producer, I also spend time visiting certain blogs that relate to those crafts. I collect many of these articles as well as videos and tips for a weekend blog I run on Stage 32 every Friday. I also share the content on other platforms. I do this for a variety of reasons:

One, I like to give back and pay forward where and when I can — If the content benefits even one creative, that’s reward enough for me.

Two, I believe that sharing content offers a unique insight into what interests me on a personal and professional level.

Three, the exposure it gives me increases my networking opportunities.

And lastly, posting content inspires discussion and debate — and there is no growth in life without discussion and debate.

Last week, as a challenge to the nearly 600,000 creatives currently on Stage 32, I launched the Stage 32 Content Challenge. I challenged all members to step out of their comfort zone and/or to move from a mindset of not what the platform could do them, but what they could do for the platform (thanks, J.F.K.) and post at least one piece of content a day. Here is the video I ran in support.

As you can see from the comments on the Stage 32 Blog page dedicated to this subject, many have taken me up on the challenge. And, I’m proud to say that in the first 6 days of the challenge, nearly 4,000 articles, photos, videos and other content has been posted. More importantly, people are seeing the benefits. I’ve received dozens of emails and private messages from people who feel as if they finally have a purpose and a goal on social media aside from simply consuming content. These people are now active engagers, and they now see far out on the periphery of the potential of social media as it relates to benefitting and furthering their careers.

So, if you are a film, television and theater creative, I invite you to join us on Stage 32 and to accept my Content Challenge. If you’re not involved with the entertainment industry, that’s OK. I still challenge you to share one piece of content (including this one!) every day on the platform of your choice. I promise, you will be richer for the experience.

I invite you to connect with me on Stage 32, Twitter and Instagram

Want to learn more about best social media practices, branding and how to build meaningful support for you and your work? Check out my new book Crowdsourcing for Filmmakers: Indie Film and the Power of the Crowd. This is a book for ALL creatives, content creators and business minded people.

The book covers all aspects of crowdsourcing: how to create the message of your brand, project, or initiative; how to mold, shape, and adjust it based on mass response; how to broadcast a message to a targeted group and engage those with similar likes, beliefs, or interests; and finally, how to cultivate those relationships to the point where the message is no longer put forth solely by you, but carried and broadcasted by those who have responded to it.

This is a book of the NOW! It’s earned over 60 5-star reviews and is available in paperback, e-book, and audiobook (for FREE with an Audible subscription) formats. To order, click here!

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Richard RB Botto

CEO @stage32 | Screenwriter/Producer/Actor/Author | Contributor @fastcompany | @fastcoboard | Master of My Domain | Legendary Wiseass | IG: RBwalksintoabar