Business Advantages to Using React Native for Non-Techies

Potato Labs
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2017

This is written for not-so technical decision makers and entrepreneurs who are trying to decide on whether or not to use React Native to build their next idea.

Well, what is React Native? React Native is a framework created by Facebook that allows developers to build both iOS and Android applications with one code base written in Javascript, a widely used programming language.

Recently, well-known apps like Instagram, UberEats, and Walmart have embraced the benefits of React Native. Let’s take a look at some ways it can help your business.

Finding Talent

Finding job applicants is tough enough, let alone talent. By using React Native (written in Javascript) you increase the potential applicant pool significantly. According to StackOverflow, the gross amount of developers who know Javascript is a whopping 62.5%, so relative to the search for Objective-C, Swift, or Java developers you’ll have a much easier time finding talent just based on sheer volume.

Not only that, but you no longer need specialized teams to do iOS and Android development. With a simplified team structure there will be less friction and you can focus more energy on other parts of your business.

Product Consistency

With React Native, you’re always working on both apps at once, so you won’t ever need to work on feature parity because both apps will never diverge. An update to the iOS app will always mean an update to the Android app. Both apps will share the same code and all changes are universal.

Now is a great time to adopt React Native because a lot of awesome open source plugins have been developed to solve common business problems, allowing you to work on features that are unique to your application.

Developer Happiness

Context switch is one of the most taxing things to a developer. The ability to build for both platforms in one go without repeating code or switching languages is priceless. This can’t be stressed enough when considering developer longevity.

This also applies to backend API development, which many more advanced mobile apps require. Your developers will be able to continue using Javascript to build APIs and even share the same plugins across web and mobile. That’s a first!

Ramp up time for internal crossovers from web to mobile or vice versa will be cheaper than in the past, since developers don’t need to learn a new language in the process of switching teams. If you’re building your website in React, the transition will be even easier (but that deserves a whole other post).

Building in React Native has been one of the most profitable decisions we have made at Potato Labs and I hope it does the same for you!

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Potato Labs

Co-Founder of Potato Labs | Senior Full Stack and Mobile Developer | Blockchain Enthusiast | Open to Contract Work