Welcome to a new beginning for Potentiam — Blockchain Music Perfected

Anne Hash-away
Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2018

Potentiam Intro.

Hey everyone! Potentiam was started as a way to bring new and innovative services to independent musicians everywhere. We are true music lovers who are involved in the space internally and we see the struggles that many artists go through to get their work heard. We launched the ICO knowing we wanted to change the music industry but we had some issues bringing that idea to fruition. That, however, is all about to change.


Potentiam has recently formed an incredible partnership with a renowned crypto marketing/advisory company with a great track record. Not only that but they have deep ties to the music industry. Going forward you’re going to see some major changes in Potentiam as we collaboratively bring our vision to life. So, what does this mean for Potentiam?;

  • New branding (see above) and imagery
  • New website
  • New and expanded whitepaper
  • New token distribution model and a relaunch of our crowdsale
  • Earlier access to our open beta test
  • The onboarding of OVER 5000 INDEPENDENT ARTISTS from all over the globe for private alpha testing.
  • Implementation of new advisors from the blockchain and music space
  • Mass marketing campaign
  • New and exciting app features

What do you mean relaunch of crowdsale!?

Don’t worry we have you covered! Anyone who contributed previously will have their coins honored and will receive the proper amount in accordance to the new distribution model. These numbers haven’t been worked out yet but rest assured not only will you receive the properly translated amount you, should be in an even better place than before. We’ll release more info on this shortly.

With that said here are the new Potentiam token details:

TOTAL MINTED PTM 100,000,000
Total tokens for public crowdsale: 60,000,000 PTM
Team tokens: 25,000,000
Other: 15,000,000
Lockup — All team tokens are locked with an emission rate of 5% per month. (Starting 1 month after ICO close). 1,250,000 team PTM will be released each month. Total vesting period for full release will be 20 months.
1 ETH = 4000 PTM
PRESALE Hardcap = $4,000,000
Total Hardcap $12,000,000
ALL UNSOLD TOKENS WILL BE BURNED (This will happen in the case of not meeting our cap or in the case of Eth value increasing to the point where the hardcap cap is met quicker)

Presale Week 1 = 20%
Presale Week 2 = 18%
Main-sale Week 1 = 12%
Main Sale Week 2 = 8%
Main Sale Week 3 = 4%
Main Sale Week 4 = 0%

*Note. If the presale hardcap is met we will immediately enter into “main sale” at which point the first week main sale bonus will become active (12%).

5000+ Independent Artists Strong

With this partnership we were able to combine our alpha product with their large network and host an incredible private test phase. We will eventually be opening the doors to an open beta of the service, where anyone will be able to sign up as a listener, artist, producer or other contributor. Check out the alpha test below and one of our really awesome features, a time-based playlist generator. (Great to hear new music on the go!)

Private Alpha Test

So What’s Next?

With these huge changes coming up there’s going to be a transition period. Over the next week/two weeks we will start to introduce the new whitepaper and website. Once the new whitepaper is up we will proceed with the newly developed ICO contract and crowdsale process. Little by little we will implement these other changes until Potentiam has solidified itself as a driving force in the blockchain music scene. We invite you all to join us in TELEGRAM and meet some of the new community managers that have jumped on board with this new partnership.

Thank you all for your support. Potentiam has a bright future and we intend to deliver a truly game changing platform for you all. The music world deserves better.

- Potentiam Team



Anne Hash-away

Crypto enthusiast since 2012. ICO advisor. Not actually Anne Hathaway. Welcome to my blockchain life.