Money Has Its Limits: An Illustration from Mark 8:36

What if I were to tell you that money being offered to you could offend you?

Let me present a thought-provoking perspective on when money becomes offensive.

Imagine yourself on a turbulent flight, the captain urgently instructing everyone to fasten their seatbelts as the aircraft battles against a storm. This is a scenario we’re all familiar with, a necessary precaution for our safety. Now, let’s shift the narrative in a most unexpected way: As the turbulence intensifies, oxygen masks descend from overhead compartments, one for every passenger. Everyone around you grasps an oxygen mask, securing the lifeline they need to survive the ordeal. The pilot then tells everyone on board that the oxygen mask is going to be what saves you. If you don’t put on your oxygen mask, your very life will be in danger, and that you need to have the mask on for the duration of the flight.

But what’s this? As you reach for your own mask, instead of the life-giving oxygen you expect, $100,000 is where the mask should be, inexplicably replacing the vital mask. The gravity of the situation sinks in — this money, while valuable in other circumstances, has no power to help you now. In the midst of chaos, you’re faced with a choice: money or the oxygen that your body desperately craves.

​The answer becomes startlingly clear. Money can’t restore your breath, money can’t fend off the suffocating grip of fear, and money certainly can’t replace the life-sustaining power of the oxygen mask. So, you find a flight attendant, who is putting on her mask. She tells you that there are no more masks on board. What do you do? Of course, you would likely look for a passenger who is willing to trade his or her oxygen mask for the $100,000, right? The worst part is, you would very unlikely find someone to make that trade.

This captivating imagery resonates far beyond the confines of the airplane cabin. Life’s journey mirrors flights through uncertainty, each leg marred by its own turbulence. In these challenging moments, as we navigate the storms that buffet us, what endures as our true sustenance? The answer is profound — our souls. This brings to mind an age-old question that reverberates across time: “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” (Mark 8:36 NKJV).

At its core, this question encapsulates the profound teachings of Jesus Christ. In the pursuit of wealth and all that the world offers, we might amass riches, possessions, and fleeting pleasures. However, when life’s tempests rage and the turbulence of existence intensifies, these worldly pursuits reveal their frailty. The allure of money diminishes in the face of our mortality. It becomes evident that riches cannot replace an oxygen mask in the illustration above, nor can they ensure the preservation of our souls beyond this fleeting existence.

This analogy underscores the urgency to embrace what truly matters — everything that God offers us — putting on Jesus before it’s too late. We don’t know when our final moment will arrive, much like the sudden turbulence on a flight. In these moments of uncertainty, when we’re confronted with the choice between worldly gains and the eternal abundance that God provides, it’s the embrace of Jesus and His teachings, found in the Bible, that become our lifeline. They guide us through the turbulence of existence, offering solace in the face of life’s uncertainties.

As you journey through life’s skies, remember that it is not the world’s offerings that safeguard your soul’s well-being, but the embrace of Jesus’ teachings and the eternal abundance that God provides. The turbulence of existence is navigable with the compass of faith, and the blessings of God are treasures beyond measure. Just as you would reach for an oxygen mask in the midst of turbulence, reach for the enduring wisdom of Jesus and the boundless offerings of God to navigate life’s trials and secure your eternal well-being. Romans 13:14: “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.”



Jeremy G. Woods - Agency Owner and Ministry Leader
Potter’s House Ministries Romania — Encouragement

I help Evangelical Churches grow and am President of a Christian ministry in Romania. Be sure to subscribe to get updates.