Ilha da Queimada Grande: the most dangerous island in the world

danyel naq
Pound Travel
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2015

English: Bothrops alternatus photographed in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in January 2010. Español: Bothrops alternatus en Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, en enero de 2010. Português do Brasil: Cruzeira (Bothrops alternatus) no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, janeiro de 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

At first glance, the beautiful island of Ilha da Queimada Grande located about 144 kilometers of Atlantic coastline of Sao Paulo in Brazil, still seems a paradise corner. A beautiful tropical island with unspoiled beaches, virgin jungle and clear waters. But all Brazilians are wary of it at any price. The reason? The island is crammed literally a particularly dangerous poisonous snakes. Researchers and authorities estimated that the island live between 2.000–4000 copies of vipers spearhead golden extremely deadly species. Reason enough this tropical paradise corner TITLE hold the most dangerous island in the world.

Vipera golden spearhead is only endemic species in this island, which means that it meets else on the planet. Although they feed almost exclusively with seabirds, these vipers venom is so powerful that bit man dies in less than an hour, if not receiving help in this timeframe. Many local legends talk about the fate of Snake Island off the coast, how are Brazilians call on Ilha da Queimada Grande.

Many people, most arrive here to pick bananas or explore the island died in the true puddles of blood, strewn with body bite. Between 1909–1920, several people have worked and lived here with the aim of working lighthouse on the island. But according to the last worker died along with all his family members, after several vipers driven by a storm were housed in the man’s home, after first entered the window left open.

Although many locals who want to impress tourists, said that those snakes on the island were brought intentionally by pirates and buried treasure and thus wanted to keep people away from them, the truth is quite different.

The 2000–4000 golden lance vipers that live on the surface of only 43 hectares of the island have evolved here over thousands of years without human intervention.

Island guarded by snakes

The vipers bite birds instantly kill auriii here and there. And the flesh of a man bitten by Vipera golden spearhead almost liquefies soft tissue is literally melted.

Because of this imminent danger, Brazilian authorities strictly control visits to the Ilha da Queimada Grande. And even without government prohibitions of the island will soon become too top tourist destination despite its natural framework intact. Here is a large concentration of snakes so that each square of land emtru foşgăie 4–5 vipers. A single bite can kill everyone and even if victims are treated in time, there are about 3–5% “chance” that they die. Otherwise, golden vipers bite here causes renal insufficiency, necrosis of muscle tissue, brain and gastrointestinal bleeding hermoragie.

The island remains an important natural basis of research for biologists and other researchers who receive special permission to dock here to study spearhead golden viper. Biologists and herpetology think particularly strong venom of this species may be useful in developing new drugs.

“We are only at the beginning of the research on the huge potential of venom viperielor gold and the first signs tell us that the venom of this species can lead to the creation of highly effective drugs in diseases of the circulatory system and cancer treatments.”

But because of the rarity of these snakes, there is a black market demand both from researchers and collectors of reptiles. For this reason, poachers snakes, known here under the name inspired by “biopiraţi” arrive on the island and vipers illegal catch in traps.

Motivation is great for some poor people in Brazil, because for a single golden spearhead viper is paid on the spot between $ 10,000–30,000. Many poachers snakes died once they got here, but this does not seem to scare Others The poachers, who believe that can happen to them not to be bitten.

Beyond snakes and poachers, the beautiful Ilha da Queimada Grande remains the most dangerous island in the world, as they call all tour guides.

Originally published at on July 1, 2015.

