Paris, capital of European tourism in tears (is London next ?)

danyel naq
Pound Travel
Published in
3 min readNov 15, 2015

I find out the news about Paris latest events second day from a friend. I was absolutely shocked like everyone else to see what happened in one of the touristic hot spots of Europe. To avoid any stupid comments I would like to make one thing clear from the start, I am not writing this article to attract more traffic, it is just a exposure of my thoughts and concerns to what happened on Friday night in Paris.

World of sport unites with victims of Paris terrorist attack

World of sport unites with victims of Paris terrorist attack. All European rugby ties in France are cancelled while Uefa confirm a minute’s silence before matches. World of sport unites with victims of Paris terrorist attack. United we stand: Rugby

I am surprised to see how slowly but certain civilizations throws away 300 hundred years of evolution and gets back to religious wars, because what happened in France gives me serious reason to thing that this is just the beginning to a new war era, I hope and pray that I am wrong. I am not taking sides as I do believe that any kind of war it is wrong, and the only ones paying for it are the people and not the politicians.

I love France as a country, I have worked there a few years ago in a nice small village on the beautiful French Riviera, named Biot, it is somewhere between Nice and Monaco. I have spent my Christmas holiday in Paris just two years ago, It was a memorable holiday, and I think that Charless-de-Gaul is one the best airports in Europe.

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Back on the attack, innocent people died without any reason or any kind of logic, some out for a rock concert, other out for dinner. I will not bore you with the same details of the latest new highlights from the media on the attack. I rather focus on the effects on those left behind, and also on the others affected indirectly, as this will only ridicalise a divided Europe on accepting refugees or not, especially as it was proved that one of the attackers, went through Europe borders passing as a refugee.

At personal level I would have now to twice think before recommending France and Paris as a travel destination, or to travel to it. I can’t also stop to ask myself if London wont be next? I was not impressed with London’s level of security after the attack, as on second day after the attack, while visiting one of the city’s largest shopping centre I saw only for police man attending to a huge crowd.

It was impressive to see the worldwide support received afterwards for France, and victims of the terrorist attack , for a painful lesson in terms of lack of security at the France and Europe’s borders.

It the end can’t help to wonder if Europe it is not becoming a dangerous place to live in?????

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Originally published at on November 15, 2015.

