How Do We Solve Poverty?

Edward Alongi
Poverty And Why It Affects Us All
2 min readMar 24, 2021

Throughout these posts, I learned a lot about poverty, and I read a lot of possible ways that we could possibly overcome this issue. The Covid-19 pandemic, unfortunately, halted a steady decline of poverty rates across the globe and as a result of the pandemic, many places across the globe saw poverty rates increasing after several years of steady decline. As a result of the pandemic, many groups and organizations across the globe who were fighting to end poverty had to slow down their efforts in their fight but the truth is the only way we can end poverty is if we all collectively come together and help those in need. I feel the best approach to ending poverty would be to start small by informing more people about the issue. I did some searching and I came across an article that was written by Jasmine Smith that described ways we could raise awareness about poverty. Smith (2014) tells us 11 different ways we could raise awareness, “1. Stop Fantasizing 2. Start committing 3. Start talking 4. Visualize the process, not the outcome 5. Avoid the slip-up effect 6. Avoid procrastination 7. Shift your focus when needed 8. Be yourself 9. Keep the end goal in mind 10. Know when to stop 11. Have contingency plans”. I think these 11 steps that Smith stated are the keys to ending poverty once and for all. If we want to end poverty we need to be committed and determined in our fight against it. Another reason I really liked her ideas is that using these tactics to spread awareness shows that you really care about the issue. If people who are leading a fight against poverty only care about making their pockets larger instead of helping people who are in need then they would not use these tactics and unfortunately, there are so many people out there who only care about money rather than the life and well being of their fellow humans. By spreading awareness I feel that we can get all of the people who truly care about the issue to lead the fight against poverty and I am hopeful that one day soon I can say I helped spread awareness that helped end poverty because the truth is poverty will not end until we all collectively want it to end.


Project, Borgen. “11 Essential Steps for Raising Poverty Awareness.” The Borgen Project, Borgen Project Https://, 29 Aug. 2020,



Edward Alongi
Poverty And Why It Affects Us All

19 Year Old Student Currently Attending The University At Buffalo