How We Could Fix Poverty

Edward Alongi
Poverty And Why It Affects Us All
2 min readMar 23, 2021

In my last post on poverty I discussed the statistics on poverty as well as how the Covid-19 Pandemic caused an increase in poverty across the globe. In this post I wanted to go a little more in depth about how the issue of poverty itself could be fixed. See before the Covid-19 pandemic caused havoc on the human population the rates of poverty were actually decreasing around the globe. According to the World Bank Group (2020) “For almost 25 years, extreme poverty — the first of the world’s Sustainable Development Goals — was steadily declining.” which is great news to hear. Steady decline for a quarter of a century is something I see as a great sign and a good start to solving the issue of extreme poverty. On top of this the World Bank Group (2020) also states “The global extreme poverty rate fell to 9.2 percent in 2017, from 10.1 percent in 2015. That is equivalent to 689 million people living on less than $1.90 a day. At higher poverty lines, 24.1 percent of the world lived on less than $3.20 a day and 43.6 percent on less than $5.50 a day in 2017.” which shows us that numbers are decreasing but they are still far too significant to be ignored.

With that being said I would like to share some solutions to poverty that the World Bank Group has proposed. Their approach to ending poverty seems to be centered around the ideas of community reform and a combined effort from everyone so we could all live a better life. Some ideas that the World Bank Group (2020) have shared are “Funding projects that can have transformational impacts on communities, collecting and analyzing the critical data and evidence needed to target these programs to reach the poorest and most vulnerable and helping governments create more inclusive, effective policies that can benefit entire populations and lay the groundwork for prosperity for future generations.”. I feel that these approaches are the best possible way to handle the issue of poverty because these ideas are reasonable and attainable. If governments and communities came together to institute ideas and programs that are designed for future generations to prosper then poverty will be something of the past. In my personal opinion I feel like that is the main reason poverty is still a thing today, many people are not worried or don’t care about the next generation coming after them and as a result people are still living in poverty even though at this point in modern civilization, poverty should be thing of the past.



Edward Alongi
Poverty And Why It Affects Us All

19 Year Old Student Currently Attending The University At Buffalo