Poverty And World Hunger

Edward Alongi
Poverty And Why It Affects Us All
2 min readMar 23, 2021

While all of my posts so far have been about poverty I wanted to talk about another extremely important issue which is world hunger. After reading a post from my fellow groupmate Josh Abbott I started to realize how important food really is. World hunger is a massive issue around the world and most people who are dealing with issues with food are also people who are currently living in poverty. Food effects so many things in our lives including our emotions. When we are hungry our emotions can get out of whack and we can see ourselves possibly being more annoyed or angry at little things just because we need a meal. Abbott (2021) states in his post “Our minds, physical health, emotions, and social interactions are all affected by our food security. It is a critical part of our lives that our society cannot overlook. Educating the people as well as policy makers and organizations is a key to solving this crisis. People can live fuller lives when their stomach is satisfied.”. This part of Josh’s blog really caught my eye because he really went into depth about how much food matters. People need better education in terms of food and how it affects our bodies because if you aren’t taking college level nutrition classes or doing your own research, you would have no idea how much food really effects our health and well being. Food security is something that easily relates to my topic of poverty due to the fact that people who are living in poverty have to go through greater lengths in order to get good nutritious food. When you don’t make a lot of money you tend to rely more and more on bad food like fast food which is high in calories and low in nutrients which is why many people who are obese are also people living in poverty. Poverty and world hunger are two extremely important issues the world has to deal with today and the link between the two is undeniable. I am glad I was able to read another blog post from a classmate that was so informative and told me a lot about the relationship between food and our everyday lives. I hope one day soon both of these issues will be resolved.


Abbott Jousha, “Sensation of Food”, https://medium.com/hunger-no-more/sensation-of-food-a0844735a444



Edward Alongi
Poverty And Why It Affects Us All

19 Year Old Student Currently Attending The University At Buffalo