Powerledger presents on the future of tech-enabled sustainability at the GBBC’s Central Davos

Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2022

Powerledger presented at the 2022 Global Blockchain Business Council’s Virtual Blockchain Central Davos.

The event included leaders from around the world who joined to share insights, gain fresh perspectives and build problem-solving communities and initiatives.

As a result of ongoing challenging times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the GBBC has postponed its fifth in-person annual Blockchain Central Davos to the European summer 2022.

Powerledger’s Co-Founder and Chairman, Dr Jemma Green, presented at the events panel discussion on “The Future of Tech-Enabled Sustainability”. During her presentation, Dr Green discussed the ability of blockchain to offer meaningful solutions for the clean energy transition, as different groups move at different speeds in the energy sector.

“Powerledger is grateful to have been invited to speak at the important Blockchain Central Davos event and showcase to the world how our blockchain-enabled renewable energy trading platform can make a difference to a sustainable future,” said Dr Jemma Green.

Dr Green told the forum that while over the past 20 years there have been many incentives for renewable energy in the form of feed-in tariffs, which has driven the enormous uptake of renewables, “it’s almost become a victim of its own success”.

Also noted by Dr Green is that as different markets transition to net-zero emissions at different paces, some leapfrogging is likely to happen. Citing a pilot project Powerledger was commissioned for in 2021 in Uttar Pradesh, India. The project led to legislative changes mandating that all utilities in the state must now make provisions for peer to peer (P2P) trading.

Powerledger has also committed to the 24/7 Carbon-free Energy Compact, initiated by Google and in partnership with Sustainable Energy for All and UN-Energy, enabling us to share its insights and help drive the energy conversation to work together and restore trust.

The Compact sets out the principles and actions that signees can commit to in order to adopt, enable and advance 24/7 Carbon-free Energy.

“As a founding signatory of the 24/7 Carbon-free Energy Compact, Powerledger has shown it has the foresight to achieve net-zero outcomes and the credibility to join energy leaders on the world stage,” said Dr Jemma Green.

The Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC) is the leading global industry association for the blockchain technology ecosystem. The GBBC is a Swiss-based non-profit launched in 2017 in Davos, Switzerland with more than 350 institutional members, and 130 Ambassadors from 76 jurisdictions and disciplines. It is dedicated to furthering the adoption of blockchain through engaging regulators, business leaders, and global changemakers on how to harness this groundbreaking technology to create more secure, equitable, and functional societies. ​

The blockchain Central Davos has been the hub for blockchain partnership facilitation since 2017. The virtual event featured leaders in the blockchain and digital asset space. It unpacked the most-pressing developments and challenges facing the ecosystem and enabled communities to forge solutions in these uncertain times.

You can view the presentation here.




World-first blockchain enabled energy trading platform. See more at https://powerledger.io/