Swap solar power for VB in Aussie-first program

Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2021

Victoria Bitter has today launched Solar Exchange — a new program that enables beer lovers to trade their excess solar energy for slabs of Victoria Bitter.

So, whether you’re giving the house a clean, playing with the team, or just wanna go green, your solar panels will be working hard to get you slabs of VB.

The Solar Exchange program allows participants to exchange credit on their power bill — obtained from generating excess solar at home — for VB. Every $30 worth of credit can be exchanged for a slab, which is then delivered straight to your door.

Brian Phan, General Manager Marketing Victoria Bitter, said: “Last year we put the Australian sun to work and started brewing VB with 100% offset solar energy. Now we’ve launched this Aussie-first program to thank those who have made the effort to go solar with some hard-earned VB.

“The only thing better than drinking the Big Cold Beer in the Aussie sun is earning beer while you do it. Plus it’s a real win-win for beer lovers and the environment.

“There are currently only 500 spots available. While we want to have more people exchanging solar credit for beer down the track, for now any beer lover who wants to participate should sign-up quickly at www.VBsolarexchange.com.au.”

The launch of the program follows Asahi Beverages’ acquisition of Carlton & United Breweries last year. The program is part of Asahi’s ambitious sustainability agenda, which includes a goal to be powered entirely by 100% renewable energy by 2025.

Solar Exchange has been developed in partnership with the 5-star rated energy retailer Diamond Energy, and Power Ledger, a blockchain-powered software platform that enables energy trading. VB will receive the solar credits it obtains under the exchange from Diamond Energy and re-invest them back into the program or towards the business’ broader sustainability goals.

Customers who sign-up to the program can track how much beer they’ve earned based on how many solar energy credits they have exchanged with VB, with slabs being delivered each quarter.

Tony Sennitt, Managing Director, Diamond Energy said: “We are proud to partner with VB and look forward to helping Australians get the most out of their solar through this innovative solar exchange program — it’s good for them and the environment!”

Power Ledger Co-Founder and Chairman Dr Jemma Green said: “Power Ledger is delighted that our technology is being used to keep participants informed of their progress in the program. We are a global pioneer of peer-to-peer energy trading, and in a country that thrives on the beer economy, we are excited to be part of Australia’s first peer-to-beer energy exchange scheme.”

To apply for the program, energy consumers with solar excess, need to switch their electricity retailer to Diamond Energy, and agree to the VB Solar Exchange terms and conditions.

The program is available to residential householders only. Given the typical rate at which residential

systems accumulate excess solar, we expect to be providing approximately three slabs per quarter to participants.2

VB’s Solar Exchange program launches today, with spots available for residents of VIC, NSW, QLD (Energex only) and SA.

Further information including eligibility requirements and terms and conditions are available online at www.VBsolarexchange.com.au.

About Power Ledger

Power Ledger is an Australian technology company that has developed a blockchain-enabled renewable energy trading platform that is now available in more than nine countries, across four continents, enabling customers to access and trade cheaper, cleaner electricity. Power Ledger’s technology won Sir Richard Branson’s global Extreme Tech Challenge award. The company has built a series of products to enable energy trading, renewable asset financing and renewable energy credit markets.




World-first blockchain enabled energy trading platform. See more at https://powerledger.io/