September Recap: Fall in Love with Reaping Souls

Marielle Pawson
Power Level
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2018

Fall is finally here! And the Pumpkin Spice Cultists were back, right at the crack of dawn on September 1st, celebrating with selfies featuring their steamy lattes and sweating profusely in premature hat and scarf sets. Hey, go crazy looking cute while glistening — we’re busy inside coding, drawing, and animating more monsters and souls to reap!

This month, we animated five forthcoming monsters, including a spirit tiger, a swarm of fairies, and a panda bear who really loves to relax. Wait, is a group of fairies called a swarm? I feel like it might be called a ‘catastrophe of fairies’ or an ‘annoyance of fairies’.

jealousy never looked so cute!

We also drew a new set of monsters, and we’ll be reaching out soon on Twitter and Instagram for your ideas about which ones to create next! So, start daydreaming about your ideal monster. I mean, you can do that anytime anyway, if that’s what you’re into.

It’s got pointy bits in all the wrong places

We also released update 0.0.15 for Unreap Commander that included lots of loot and bug improvements, thanks to your feedback. Having such helpful fans while we’re in Alpha is so useful and, you know what, feels pretty damn nice, too. Look out for the announcement of 0.0.16 this week!

During October, we’re planning to bang out four spanking* new build releases that include the introduction of Soul Gear, more updates to combat, an ominous feature called The Gauntlet, plus more backend improvements.

Avoid those roaming Murders of Pumpkin Spicers by staying inside and reaping some souls.


*Hmm, this is all vaguely thirsty for a studio update. I just love monsters, okay?



Marielle Pawson
Power Level
Editor for

Community & Writing for Power Level Studios