What’s better than an update?

Dax Janel Valencia
Power Level
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2018

Not two, not three, but four updates! That’s what!

First off: We have an ongoing deal!

25% off when you get Soul Reaper: Unreap Commander now! There’s no such thing as forever, so make sure you lay your hands on a copy now before the promo ends!

Just hit that “Add to Cart” button and we’ll take your money, thank you very much!

Second: We released Soul Reaper: Unreap Commander version 0.0.10!

With this update, fellow reapers can now come face to face with the most badass banana they’ve ever met! And of course, scythe the soul out of these Badnanas!

The most fearsome banana you’ll ever meet!

Version 0.0.10 also came out with another incredibly cute monster (or group of them anyway): The Zookas! Just look at how impressive their lifting power is:

Can’t imagine how they can lift that badboy!

These are just two of the features that came out with the major 0.0.10 update. Check out the rest of what’s included in this post.

Third: The Unreapedia!

Yep, Soul Reaper is that smart he has his own book of knowledge!

Here’s the textbook definition of The Unreapedia:

“The ‘Pokedex’ of Soul Reaper: Unreap Commander.”

Just click the link above and you’ll learn everything else you need to!

And last but not the least:

Soul Reaper: Unreap Commander Version 0.0.11!

We just released this several hours ago, and here’s a quick list of what you can expect:

1. Easier and much doper soul collection process.
2. More ways to train up your team.
3. Farm specific souls in a simplified manner — just select training options directly from the Unreapedia.
4. An addition to our growing list of badass monsters: The Pirate Ship!
5. Not one, not two, but 6 new feats!
6. You can also save the Mute setting now, plus enjoy improved combat speed!

Here’s a quick preview of the Unreapedia that comes with this version:

And here’s another still from the Unreapedia menu:

I think this sums up what we’ve done since our first June update. Everyone from the Power Level Studios is chipping in to make the game better, so we hope that you guys will continue gracing us with your support!

Until the next update then, reapers! Happy unreaping!

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