I Think I Can

Jake Rosenberg
Lions Unleashed Blog
2 min readMar 7, 2019

Tell me if you’ve ever noticed this:

When facing any new scenario, you look for what could go wrong.

In fact, have you noticed that most people tend to do that?

Strange isn’t it?

Why does that happen? Why is that your instinct?

You’re definitely not crazy for doing that, it’s just a subconscious program…

… and the great thing is, you can change the programming!

See, For most of us, all our lives, we’ve been trained to play it safe.

“Stay in your safe zone, stay in your comfort zone, this way you don’t get hurt.”

Hey, that’s great, but it doesn’t really work well in the grand scheme of things.

So how do we change this?

Quite simply; We change what we look for.

I want you to start doing this simple little exercise every day:

  1. Look at your to-do list.
    (If you don’t make to-do lists, consider doing so. It increases productivity.)
  2. For each item on the list, think about how you’d like it to work out.
    This get’s your mind thinking positive. Positivity makes your brain work 31% better.
  3. Now that you know how you’d like it to work out, envision that.
    As you envision it in your mind's eye, think about how you'll feel when things work out the way you want it.
  4. Now repeat steps 2 & 3 for each item on your to-do list.

By running through this simple exercise every day, you’ll start training your brain to look for ways to make things happen the way you want it.

Bonus: Every day that you go through this exercise, note down every time something on your list works out the way you wanted it to.

At the beginning of each week, review your successes from the previous week, then see if you can beat your productivity record in the upcoming week.

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.

It’s time for you to unleash your inner lion. Train your brain to work the way it’s meant to, and Power On! 🚀

Watch today’s video:

Power Morning + is written daily by:

Jake Rosenberg
Founder / Performance Coach



Jake Rosenberg
Lions Unleashed Blog

Provider of personal and business solutions 🤝 @thosemarketers • @thepowerentrepreneur You cannot learn if you think you already know...