Radically Honest Journey To Success

Jake Rosenberg
Lions Unleashed Blog
4 min readMar 14, 2019

You know that to develop and progress on your personal growth journey will require radical honest on your part…

… not just with the world, but more importantly, with yourself.

🔍 You need to be honest with yourself about these questions:

  • What’s going on in my life?
  • What’s going on in my head?
  • What am I thinking?
  • What am I doing?
  • Where do I need improvement?
  • Where am I doing well?
  • Am I congratulating myself on my progress?

By constantly evaluating yourself, you can put your focus where it’s needed, and as my good friend Joe Apfelbaum always quotes:

Where focus goes, energy flows!
~ Tony Robbins

If you watch a lot of motivational content online, you’ll notice that most people don’t really put their failures out there.

People don’t really talk about their struggles and the work they put in day-to-day.

What people do talk about all the time is:

  • The benefits of working on your personal growth.
  • The things you should do.
  • The things you shouldn’t do.
  • How doing certain things helped them/others.

How often do people talk about their struggles and the challenges they face as they work on their personal growth? Not very often.

I want you to know that we’re all human… yeah, even me!

Yes, I’m constantly giving advice and pushing motivation your way, but I’m working on myself to implement these things, same as you.

You may just see what’s in the frame of the camera lens, but behind that camera is just another human being.

This week I started working in re-implementing habits and schedules that I mistakenly dropped over the last month or so.

📖 A bit over a month ago, a friend of mine sent me this sleep test from a popular sleep doctor.

This test promised to tell you the best time for you to sleep. 💤

At first, I was skeptical about allowing some online test tell me to change my routine that had been working so well for me.

“I don’t care how popular and reputable this doctor is, I’m good,” I told my friend…

… but he was persistent, telling me how it might really help me sleep better, which in hindsight was never an issue I faced.

Short story long, I was persuaded into taking the test, which told me I should be going to sleep at 11 p.m. and waking up at 7 a.m., as well as giving me some daily habits to implement.

⏰ At that point, I had been going to sleep at 10 p.m. every evening and waking up at 5 a.m. every morning. It worked very well for me and I had an amazing daily routine in place.

All that slowly went out of the window as I began implementing this new sleep routine. I didn’t notice it right away, but a couple of weeks in, I started noticing a few things:

  1. I was finding it difficult to wake up at the assigned time.
  2. My morning routine was slowly going out of the window.
  3. I didn’t have my time and peace of mind in the morning.
  4. My days were spent being more reactive rather than proactive.
  5. I was rushing to complete things rather than flowing with things.
  6. Therefore I began working longer days, which led to…
  7. … my evening routine going out the window.
  8. I was stressed getting into bed, which actually led to me not sleeping very well, and in turn, me being fatigued during the day.

Now, none of this is the sleep doctors fault.

What happened was, I was trying to implement a new sleep routine without accounting for how I’d also need to implement a new daytime routine with it.

Thankfully, this week another friend sent me this episode of Ed Mylett’s podcast where he talks about morning and evening routines.

As soon as I got into this episode, it immediately hit me; I screwed up!

So over the last week, I’ve been re-implementing habits and schedules.

What’s my purpose in telling you this story? Radical Honesty.

We’re all human.

We all make mistakes.

We all have challenges.

We all have obstacles to overcome.

The only difference between a success and a failure is that the success gets back up while the failure stays down.

Be a success and Power On! 🚀

Watch today’s video:

Power Morning + is written daily by:

Jake Rosenberg
Founder / Performance Coach



Jake Rosenberg
Lions Unleashed Blog

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