What’s The One Thing Holding You Back From Anything You Want?

Jake Rosenberg
Lions Unleashed Blog
2 min readFeb 24, 2019

Do you know what you want in life? What you want in this world?

Do you ever feel that attaining or achieving what you want is an impossibility?

The crazy thing about getting the things you want is that there’s only ever one thing holding you back.

The walls that you put up in your mind around your capabilities is the only thing that can truly hold you back.

The beautiful thing is that whether those walls and beliefs were put there consciously or subconsciously, you’re capable of tearing them down.

Here’s a simple exercise for you to get started with.

  1. When you feel you can’t do something, take 2 minutes to sit back and ask yourself ‘why not’. This will make you aware of what limiting beliefs are holding you back.
  2. Once you identify what your limiting beliefs are, go to work replacing them with more productive beliefs. If, for example, your limiting belief is that you can’t sell a product in front of a crowd of people, then break it down.
    a. I’m afraid of public speaking, what do I need to do to overcome that?
    b. I’m not good at sales, how can I get good at sales?

When you take your responses and turn them into actions, and those actions turn in to results, the walls will crumble, because you will have proved to yourself that “hey, I am capable of more than I realized!”

Unleash your inner lion, and Power On! 🚀

Watch today’s video:



Jake Rosenberg
Lions Unleashed Blog

Provider of personal and business solutions 🤝 @thosemarketers • @thepowerentrepreneur You cannot learn if you think you already know...