Where Is Your PASSION?!

Jake Rosenberg
Lions Unleashed Blog
2 min readFeb 13, 2019

I just interviewed a guy on The Power Entrepreneur’s Podcast named Greg Caron, and something really stood out to me about this interview.

At some point during this conversation, I asked Greg a question on a topic he was passionate about.

Do you know how I know he was truly passionate about this subject?

Listen to the interview, you’ll hear it. Somewhere around the 20-minute mark.

When Greg started talking about this subject, the entire energy of the room shifted.

He was on fire!

He got so into what he was saying, you could feel the heat through your speakers, just listening to him talk.

And when he stopped talking, I said “Greg, did you feel that? Did you feel that shift that just happened, in yourself, in the room?”

That’s passion!

Many people are going through their day-to-day life with no passion. At all!

You might be one of those people.

You might have no passion for the career you’re in, the neighborhood you live in, the people you hang out with, the hobbies you keep, the religion you follow, the foods you eat, the person you’re dating, etc…

When you see or hear or feel the real passion someone exudes, that is one of the most attractive things you can find in this life, because that is what being truly alive really is!

Now there’s nothing wrong with realizing that you’re doing things that you aren’t truly passionate about… as long as you do something about it.

What are you going to do about it?

Finding your passions, and making the decision to pursue them, that’s all up to you. Nobody will push you to do it.

But if you want to truly live, that is where it’s at.

Unleash your inner lion and Power On! 🚀

Watch today’s video:



Jake Rosenberg
Lions Unleashed Blog

Provider of personal and business solutions 🤝 @thosemarketers • @thepowerentrepreneur You cannot learn if you think you already know...