10 IRL Work From Home Resolutions to Make You Feel Like You Accomplished Something (or Anything)

Arbell Noach
Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2017

Yes, I used the term “IRL” in the title of this post. You know why? Because it’s a shortcut and saves me precious time.

Even a mere nanosecond saved feels, well, truthfully, like saving a nanosecond. But pile up the shortcuts and on a good day, the ghost of Ed McMahon may likely show up on my doorstep, cheerily handing me a check for ten extra minutes, clutching a dozen balloons and shadowed by the Prize Patrol and a hidden camera crew.

Ed McMahon and someone who is not me.

But should the Publisher’s Clearinghouse pyre ACTUALLY arrive and ring my doorbell on any given day, you know what they’d find?

Me, in my pajamas, no makeup, contributing to the ever-growing indent on my favorite couch cushion, hair back in a ponytail, downing a half bag of stale, reduced fat Wheat Thins, drowning in dog hair and toddler toys, glued to my laptop screen as if my life depended on it.

It’s not pretty, but my life does depend upon it. I work from home most of the time, as PowerToFly’s Director of Social Media & Content Marketing. And while my boss probably isn’t impressed by the (true) description above, let’s be honest: this is reality for many who work remotely. Or maybe just me. But I can’t be alone here, can I?

While advice like Take a walk around the block! is well-meaning, it’s not entirely helpful (for me). But you know what resolutions probably double as great advice? See below for some other resolutions I’m considering in 2017:

  1. Shower in the four minutes between the time the kids go off to school and the workday begins

Do not drink coffee. Do not send passive aggressive texts to your mother (still can’t be just me, right?). Do not pass go. Do the minimum. Lather, rinse, no time for repeat. Shaving your legs or whatever other fancy stuff you do in there will have to wait.

2. Put on pants

I don’t mean put on dress pants, I mean put on any pants. Even pj pants festooned with the faces of Muppet characters. That will make me feel like I’ve accomplished something. But pants aren’t really necessary when you’re only seen in meetings from the shoulders up, so this one will still be filed under maybe. I’m not even going to go near putting on a bra.

3. Keep a fashionable scarf handy

This is a trick I’ve learned from my resourceful (and amazing!) co-workers, but I frequently fail to institute. Make sure a pretty infinity scarf is nearby for last-minute video calls. It will keep the stains on well-worn Metallica t-shirts (circa 1991) hidden well, and maybe even look professional in the process! Also, see above re: not wearing a bra.

4. Keep make-up next to that scarf…

…and try not to paint your face like a clown’s when quickly throwing some on. Don’t let this recent “no make-up” trend fool you; though less is more, it’s also far better than none.

5. Battery life is everything

Do ALL the humanly possible things to ensure your laptop and mobile phone are rearing to go at a moment’s notice. If you’re not actually clutching both of these items at all times, you definitely win at life.

6. Eat things that don’t come out of a box

Time to give up on Wheat Thins, my friends. Making a sandwich or warming last night’s leftovers only takes slightly longer than grabbing something quick from the pantry. Maybe even start “packing” my lunch the night before the same way I would if I were office-bound on the daily?

7. Get up (get on up)

Whenever you can, whenever you remember, give the couch (or wherever you sit) a break. And if you don’t remember, that’s ok, too.

8. Press a button

Be it the dishwasher, washing machine or crock pot, aim to launch one of these once a day. I’m not saying fold the laundry or cook a gourmet meal. Just. Press. The. On. Button.

9. Pass the buck

Just because I work from home doesn’t mean I have more free time! In fact, it’s often quite the opposite. I’m not the only person in my family, I shouldn’t feel guilty for asking (or even expecting!) my husband to walk the dog.

10. Forgive

Not just others, but myself too. While I may strive to wear pants daily, I may not actually get there. And that’s ok.

Can’t hang with the above? That’s ok, too. But maybe it means remote work is not right for you. (Also ok!) Check out some of the on-site jobs below currently available on the PowerToFly platform. Not a member? We’ll forgive you. Though only if you click on the link and join our community of 100,000 women strong.

If you’re convinced remote work is your calling in life, along with potentially living pantsless, check out our plethora of remote work openings on our platform here.

Senior Full Stack Engineer, Web Display — AdRoll (San Francisco, CA)
Product Analyst — AdRoll (San Francisco, CA)
Lead User Experience Researcher — AdRoll (San Francisco, CA)
Senior Product Manager, Native/Social Products — AdRoll (San Francisco, CA)
Senior Product Manager, Programmatic & RTB — AdRoll (San Francisco, CA)
Key Account Manager, Academy APP — adidas (Houston, TX)
Senior Sales Planner — adidas (Pittsburgh, PA)
Senior Sales Planning Manager — adidas (NYC)
Lead Network Security Engineer — Verizon (Canberra, ACT, Australia)
Accounting Specialist (General Ledger) — Verizon (Singapore)
Client Service Lead — Verizon (Canberra, ACT, Australia/Flexible)
Account Executive — BetterUp (San Francisco, CA)
Senior Django Software Engineer, Search Algorithm — Rover.com (Seattle, WA)
Senior Django Software Engineer — Rover.com (Seattle, WA)
Sr Full Life Cycle Recruiter — Rover.com (Seattle, WA)
DevOps Engineer — Hearst Corporation (NYC)
Software Engineer — Hearst Corporation (NYC)
Automation QA Engineer — Hearst Corporation (NYC)
QA Analyst — Hearst Corporation (NYC)

Read on for more handy tips for conquering work from the home office.

