4 Ways Your News Experience Drove You To Insanity Today

Katharine Zaleski
Published in
1 min readSep 30, 2016

1. You Forgot To Refresh Your App Before Getting On The Train

Yes, you’re looking at the Wednesday briefing — again — on a Thursday morning

[If you’re already annoyed then make a difference for the rest of us and apply to this Interactive News Developer Job at the NY Times]

2. You Still Spend Half The Commute Trying To Refresh

3. But You End Up Just Reading The Same Article From Yesterday Over And Over Again

4. And Then You Get To Work… Only Knowing What Happened Yesterday

Sound familiar? Help us all by applying to be an Interactive News Developer at the NY Times.



Katharine Zaleski

President + CoFounder @PowerToFly. Educated @LererHippeauVentures, NowThis, WashPost.Wrote HuffPost’s 1st headlines & now blog primarily here https://blog.power