All The Ways to Piss Off Your Data Analyst

Katharine Zaleski
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2016

This is what our senior data analyst at PowerToFly told me. I listened to her, I recorded her answers, I’m changing my ways…

And if this is your daily pain, scroll to the very bottom… we have relief for you at places that get it.

  1. Ask: so are you a data analyst or a data scientist?

2. Launch a major marketing web campaign and forget to add UTM parameters to the links you published. Then ask the data analysts (or data scientists) about the conversion rate and overall traffic results for the campaign.

Expect this look when the data team finds out you NEVER ADDED UTMs TO YOUR LINKS

3. Tell them the Tableau license is too expensive and you are thinking of cancelling it, because you believe they can produce similar graphs and reports using Google Spreadsheet or Excel!

4. Release 10 new features and ask your data analyst to isolate the effect a single one had on the business!

5. Tell them you plan to switch to using AJAX for your site and you still want to have web tracking!

6. Ask them if they can quickly look at data from yesterday’s product change and decide the company should revert back to the old product page because you have a feeling the new product page that was released yesterday does not perform very well.

We hear your pain — Here are a few data analyst positions at places that probably won’t ask you these questions.

Yes, we hear your pain — sorry.



Katharine Zaleski

President + CoFounder @PowerToFly. Educated @LererHippeauVentures, NowThis, WashPost.Wrote HuffPost’s 1st headlines & now blog primarily here https://blog.power