Hello, Vote! Goodbye, Apathy: Female Founders Facebook Live Recap

Arbell Noach
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2016

We interrupted our regularly scheduled, commerce-friendly programming on our episode of Female Founders on Facebook Live last week with a non-profit, non-partisan message: get out the vote, America!

PowerToFly’s co-founder and president, Katharine Zaleski, was joined by the seriously accomplished (Think tanks! Obama administration! FCC! Bringing mobile technology to East Africa!) social entrepreneur Elana Berkowitz, co-founder of the Facebook Messenger bot HelloVote.

Prior to voter registration closing country-wide, HelloVote was a simple solution to get the mobile-first generation to register to choose their favorite candidate to lead the free world on November 8th. The bot, which operates over text messaging as well, would either directly fill out a user’s information automatically, with details provided through prompts via the bot, or would partially fill out a paper form, then mail to the user, depending on individual state regulations.

Now that voter registration is officially over, HelloVote has shifted into a reminder and celebration of our civic duty, even partnering with Google to provide a custom selfie filter on voting day. But be forewarned: no selfies allowed in the voting booth! #friendsdontletfriendstakevotingboothselfies

Echoing Katharine’s commentary, voting has never been more important. Voting is our right and our privilege. Make the right choice. Vote.

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