How Presidential Candidates Think Women Should Be Treated At Work

Katharine Zaleski
Published in
1 min readFeb 3, 2016

Ladies… and gentlemen who have significant others collecting paychecks… we ranked the candidates on the issues that affect women at work everyday.

There are four million more women than men in the U.S. workforce, and they account for nearly 51 percent of the U.S. population overall. By the age of 44, 81% of these women are mothers, supporting future generations of Americans. Yet time and time again women’s issues — much less working women’s issues — get overlooked when it comes time to choose a president.

Here’s a full pdf we put together at PowerToFly that you can download and share here. A quick view is below.



Katharine Zaleski

President + CoFounder @PowerToFly. Educated @LererHippeauVentures, NowThis, WashPost.Wrote HuffPost’s 1st headlines & now blog primarily here https://blog.power