New Mom, Newlywed, New Remote Worker — On Balancing It All.
Being a first time mom, with a brand new remote job, and a 6-month-old under foot was definitely something new! I had no idea what to expect. Finding PowerToFly, and being able to work from home and not miss a moment of my son’s first year, was the biggest blessing. Even still, I’m searching for a balance. I feel guilty because even though I’m home with Caleb, sometimes I don’t give him enough attention. Whether its be because I’m nursing while on a conference call, or can’t get on the floor to build a block tower with him. But when I stop for a moment and look at him, I know it’s all worth it.
I was reading a Parenting magazine article recently and learned some helpful tips on balancing work and family life:
1. Let Go Of The Guilt: This one is incredibly important to me. As I mentioned, sometimes I feel really guilty and think that I’m not doing enough for Caleb. He’s at home in his safety zone and he is well taken care of. He gets three meals a day. He always has on a clean diaper. He nurses on demand and he’s well adjusted to our life.
2. Find Quality Childcare: This one is not really an issue for me, since I’m his sole caretaker. But it’s always helpful when someone else is around and can play with him on particularly difficult days. Luckily, I have a great familial support system who is always helpful
3. Make The Mornings Easier by Preparing in Advance: This is one I’m still learning. Sometimes I’m rushing to log on to the computer. Sometimes the baby and I are both showered and dressed. Sometimes my hair is still in a towel and the baby is still in his pajamas. I need to start setting things out the night before. But sometimes, I just need that extra push.
4. Create and Organize a Family Calendar: I actually just started this suggestion last weekend! It’s been abundantly helpful already. Managing a new marriage, with a new baby, and two stepsons is a handful. Writing everything down in the same place is really helpful!
5. Communicate with Your Employer: Working for PowerToFly has really spoiled me in a way. The team, and everyone is incredibly helpful and understanding. I love that I can explain that I need to run to the doctor with Caleb for an ear infection, and I’ll be back online after. I don’t think many workplaces or companies are that understanding of situations like this.
6. Stay Connected with Your Child During the Day: This one is easier for me working remotely from home than for someone who works outside the home, for sure. Caleb and I sit together and have lunch every day. We have Momma work and Caleb color time. I love being able to connect and spend time with him while working.
7. Limit Distractions and Time Wasters: This one is incredibly key to working remotely! Many people who don’t work remotely may not understand this challenge. As a remote worker, I’m responsible for working, staying on task, managing my time, and being reliable. I’m still learning. I think most people who work remotely have to learn how to compartmentalize. That’s one of the hardest adjustments of working outside of an office.
8. Spend Time With Your Partner: This one is key, and something I haven’t even close to mastered. We just got married two months ago, so everything is still very fresh. But between two busy jobs, working opposite schedules, and everything we have going on, it’s very difficult to find time. Usually its when he gets out of work — then I’m tired in the morning. But, I definitely soak up every little bit of time I get with him.
9. Create Moments for Yourself: Between kids, work, and all of the busy things we’re doing, it’s rare that I get alone time or time to relax. Most nights, after I get the baby down, I’ll sit and have a cup of tea before I crawl into bed. It’s not much. But, I disconnect from my phone, social media, and spend time sitting there, trying to relax. I need to work on this, for sure. Everyone needs a little bit of “me time.”
Written by Lyndsay Sargent. Lyndsay is a Customer Success Adviser for PowerToFly. PowerToFly is where companies find and hire women in tech and across digital who work from anywhere. Sign up and start a trial today.