Virtual Watercooler? Global Invitation To Hack Offices For Remote Teams of Future

Courtney Mayberry
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2016

Calling all visionaries! Have you been architecting code in your head to make a new piece of software to help remote teams? Or maybe you’ve been designing a tech-savvy, wifi-enabled office chair that connects to video chat? Ever thought about how offices will look, feel and function in the future? Or how a team of remote co-workers will virtually drink the company’s cultural Kool-Aid? (Virtual office party, anyone?)

PowerToFly is calling critical thinkers and engineers of all types to join us for Distribute!, an innovative, three-day global hackathon that challenges teams to reinvent the workplace of the future. We have partnered with Time Inc. and NBBJ to host the unique global hack event, which will take place April 9, 10 and 17, remotely as well as on-site support locations in Seattle, New York and London.

Teams will work together over two weekends to solve a three-fold challenge:

  • To create technology that allows distributed team to connect in serendipitous ways, creating a virtual watercooler
  • To build the technology that allows culture to flow across locations, making portals across the globe
  • To craft new technology that brings remote workers into structured meetings and brainstorming sessions

Not a developer? You’re still invited to participate. This is a code-optional hackathon. You read that right. Team members will create virtual and physical items that will allow distributed teams of the future to work smart and maximize productivity. If you’re looking for a fun, resume booster, this is your event. Organize your team of all-stars and register here.

Join PowerToFly today to become part of our fast-growing network of all-star women in tech. You can also learn about the best ways to hire and manage a distributed team by downloading our free e-book.



Courtney Mayberry

Savvy marketing writer and community manager w/strong news judgment for @PowerToFly. We are transforming where & how we work. #RemoteWorks