Remain Hopeful

Caleb Ross
Powerful Motivation
2 min readNov 21, 2017

By, Caleb Ross and Christian King

You do not, or will you ever understand me! No one ever will. I’ve been stuck in the shadows of others who are not afraid to be themselves, but I hate myself too much to show my true colors. You have no idea how many times I have secretly cried over things that will make you say “who cares?” And the truth is: I care. I care a lot. So for all of you kids who get bullied day after brutal day, week after brutal week, I know how it feels! I know how it feels to get picked on. I even know how it feels to get beat up. And then you question how any human being could do this to another human being for the smallest of reasons. And so you think death is the only way out? But you have to believe that it is not. You must believe that it is not. You must dare to touch the sky, to reach for the stars, even when everyone else around you has given up. and if they say that you cannot reach it, tell them! Tell them, “Yes I Can!” Look at them and laugh at their face! They will never truly understand you. Nobody will. But you have to be yourself. because everyone else is already taken. You must remain hopeful. Don’t feed into the negative. Tell yourself how amazing you really are. Everyone on this Earth has a good purpose. Find your purpose. You are unique. You are special. And you are an amazing person. Don’t be afraid to show your true colors. You don’t need to hide. Don’t let the negative define your life and who you are. You’re better than that. Everyone is. Those people that try to tear you down, they’re just mad because they never had their chance. And they want to take away yours. Don’t let them do it! In order to be successful, you must believe that you can. It all starts with you! When you wake up, and you look at yourself in the mirror, tell yourself that you can, and that you will be the best person you can be! And if those bullies start hating, keep walking. Disregard them. They won’t bully you if you show them no reaction! Trust me, I know. You see, all of your problems can eventually be solved. I know it! Hey, like I said, you are unique. You are special. And you are an amazing person!

